File #: 25-1768    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Passed
File created: 12/19/2024 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Approve the Application to the SUN Trail Grant Program in the Amount of $3,730,000 for the Warm Mineral Springs Connector and Authorize the City Manager or the Mayor, as Applicable Under the City Charter, to Execute all Funding Documents After Legal Review, Should the Grant be Awarded to the City.
Attachments: 1. SUN Trail Grant Application, 2. SUN Trail Application Attachments
TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission

FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager

TITLE: Approve the Application to the SUN Trail Grant Program in the Amount of $3,730,000 for the Warm Mineral Springs Connector and Authorize the City Manager or the Mayor, as Applicable Under the City Charter, to Execute all Funding Documents After Legal Review, Should the Grant be Awarded to the City.

Recommended Action

Approve the application to the SUN Trail Grant Program in the amount of $3,730,000 for the Warm Mineral Springs Connector and authorize the City Manager or the Mayor, as applicable under the City Charter, to execute all funding documents after Legal Review, should the grant be awarded to the City.

Background Information
SUN Trail legislation allows for the programming of funds for all phases of project development including preliminary planning/feasibility studies, project development and environmental planning studies (PD&E); preliminary engineering (PE/design); acquisition of real property/land/right-of-way (ROW); new construction, reconstruction or resurfacing of trail surfaces or bridges and maintenance (e.g., obligations for pavement, drainage, land stabilization and safety controls), and construction engineering inspections (CEI).
Currently, the Legacy Trail portion of the SUN Trail network connects to the City of North Port via the North Port Connector, which terminates at Price Trailhead. The proposed project will extend the network from Price Trailhead, approximately 1.7 miles South and then West, to Warm Mineral Springs Park. This new "Warm Mineral Springs Connector" will consist of a 12-foot-wide paved surface suitable to a variety of uses, from bicycles and scooters to wheelchairs and strollers. There will be amenities constructed at Warm Mineral Springs Park for users of the path to include bathrooms, drinking fountains, parking, and other elements typical of such trailheads. Finally, the construction and design ...

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