TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Wastewater System Developer's Agreement.Between the City of North Port, Florida, and the Lighthouse Baptist Church of North Port, Florida, Inc.
Recommended Action
Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Wastewater System Developer's Agreement between the City of North Port, Florida, and the Lighthouse Baptist Church of North Port, Florida, Inc.
Background Information
Chancellor Boulevard is a platted public right of way. The northern half of the public right of way of
Chancellor Boulevard is located within the City of North Port limits and the southern half of the public right of way is located within the Charlotte County limits. Chancellor Boulevard is jointly maintained by the City of North Port and Charlotte County via an Interlocal Agreement between both parties. The Lighthouse Baptist Church is located on the Charlotte County side of Chancellor Boulevard. The Lighthouse Baptist Church is currently on a septic system which needs to be replaced due to the condition of the system. Representatives of the Lighthouse Baptist Church approached Charlotte County requesting to connect their church to Charlotte County's wastewater system. Charlotte County's wastewater system does not run near the Lighthouse Baptist Church property. Therefore, Charlotte County was not able to facilitate the Lighthouse Baptist Church's request.
Representatives of the Lighthouse Baptist Church then reached out to the City of North Port
Department of Utilities seeking to connect to the City's wastewater system. At the conclusion of discussions with the Department of Utilities, it was determined that the Lighthouse Baptist Church would be able to connect to the City's wastewater system since the City's wastewater system runs along the City of North Port side of Chancellor Boulevard. A ...
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