NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
Historic and Cultural Advisory Board  
Thursday, June 9, 2022  
4:00 PM  
City Hall Room 244  
1. Call to Order  
Chair Morgan called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
2 - Chair Morgan and Board Member Sterner  
1 - Vice Chair Calhoun  
Also Present  
Planner II Noah Fossick, and Recording Secretary Susan Hale.  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Board.  
There was no public comment.  
3. Pledge of Allegiance  
4. Public Comment  
5. Approval of Minutes  
Approval of Minutes for the May 12, 2022 Historic and Cultural Advisory  
Board Meeting  
motion was made by Board Member Sterner, seconded by Chair Morgan, to  
approve the Minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously on  
a voice  
6. Unfinished Business  
Discussion and Possible Action to Designate the Biscayne Plaza as the  
Original Site of the City Government by Placard  
Chair Morgan introduced the item.  
Discussion ensued regarding designating a community volunteer committee for historical  
research purposes, archive room's lack of information, historical beginnings of North Port,  
the first City Commissioners, City Charter, historic information paper trails, and records  
A motion was made by Board Member Sterner, seconded by Chair Morgan, that the  
Historic and Cultural Advisory Board consider asking the Commission for  
volunteers within the Board or community to help research the history of North Port  
beginning with the first City Hall, Police Department, and government buildings.  
The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.  
7. Updates  
Update on the Warm Mineral Springs Project  
Chair Morgan introduced the item.  
Mr. Fossick provided an update from Parks & Recreation Marketing and Engagement  
Coordinator to include Warm Mineral Springs development Request for Bid (RFB) and  
openings, and completion date.  
motion was made by Board Member Sterner, seconded by Chair Morgan, to  
continue Item No. 22-2745 to the July meeting. The motion carried unanimously on  
a voice vote.  
Update on Research Pertaining to the Turpentine Still Area and Railroad  
Chair Morgan introduced the item.  
The item was assigned to Board Member Calhoun, who was absent.  
motion was made by Board Member Sterner, seconded by Chair Morgan, to  
continue Item No. 22-2747 to the July meeting. The motion carried unanimously on  
a voice vote.  
8. Future Agenda Items  
9. Public Comment  
Future agenda include updates on the Warm Mineral Springs improvements, report on the  
Turpentine Still area and Railroad Station, and Biscayne Plaza site.  
There was no public comment.  
Board Member Sterner distributed an informational CD regarding the Turpentine Still,  
articulated gratitude for recorders, members of the Board, and his time on the Board.  
10. Adjournment  
Chair Morgan adjourned the meeting at 4:28 p.m.  
By: ___________________________________________  
Joan Morgan, Chair  
These minutes were approved on the ____ day of _______________, 2022.