There were no Commission questions or discussion.
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.
A motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes,
to approve the Lakespur at Wellen Park Phase 3 Final Plat, Petition No.
PLF-23-251, and find that, based on the competent and substantial evidence, the
plat is consistent with Florida Statutes Section 177.081, the Unified Land
Development Code, and the North Port Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried
on the following vote:
4 - Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes and Commissioner
1 - Commissioner Emrich
Consideration of Petition PLF-23-259, Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on
the City Clerk to read by title only.
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.
Commissioners disclosed having no ex-parte communications.
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.
John Luczynski, Manasota Beach Ranchlands, LLC., being duly sworn, provided
presentation including overview and location.
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, provided
a presentation including overview, applicant,
property owner, request, location, residential lots, aerial view, compliance with Unified
Land Development Code (ULDC) and Florida Statutes, and recommendations.
There was no rebuttal by the Applicant or Staff.
There was no public comment.
There were no Commission questions or discussion.
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.
motion was made by Vice Mayor Stokes, seconded by Commissioner
McDowell, to approve the Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2 Final Plat, Petition No.
PFL-23-259, and find that, based on the competent and substantial evidence, the
plat is consistent with Florida Statutes Section 177.081, the Unified Land
Development Code, and the North Port Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried
on the following vote:
4 - Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes and Commissioner
1 - Commissioner Emrich