NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Environmental Advisory Board  
Monday, August 1, 2022  
5:30 PM  
City Hall Room 244  
1. Call to Order  
Chair English called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
5 -  
Chair English, Vice Chair Holland, Board Member Hall, Board Member Therrien and  
Board Member Lafler  
Also Present  
Environmental Technician Jeremy Rogus and Recording Secretary Susan Hale.  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Board.  
3. Pledge of Allegiance  
4. Public Comment  
5. Approval of Minutes  
There was no public comment.  
Approval of Minutes for the July 11, 2022 Environmental Advisory Board  
A motion was made by Board Member Therrien, seconded by Board Member Hall,  
to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice  
6. New Business  
Discussion and Possible Action to Recommend that the City Commission  
Support Adoption of Water Quality Solutions and Habitat Preservation in  
City Stormwater Design and City Development Regulations.  
Chair English announced the item.  
Mr. Rogus provided an overview of his research including best practices procedure,  
natural habitat/wetland preservation, and dry native planting in retention areas.  
Discussion ensued regarding current procedures, contacting other municipalities, habitat  
preservation areas, and presenting findings to Commission.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Holland, seconded by Board Member Therrien,  
to continue item No. 22-3260 to next month. The motion carried unanimously on a  
voice vote.  
Discussion and Possible Action to Recommend that the City Commission  
Support the Native Plantings in Public Parks and Spaces (e.g. Bee  
Stations and Butterfly Gardens).  
Chair English announced the item.  
Board Member Hall read the Board's letter to Commission into the record.  
Discussion ensued regarding the letter, City's Adopt-a-Park Program spreadsheet, Butler  
Park prototype, donations, true Florida native plants, habitat preservations cost vs .  
donations, expanded color presentation, raising awareness of Adopt-a-Park Program,  
determining locations, and individual Board Member research.  
Jennifer Krajcir: a pilot garden and gopher tortoise friendly plants.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Holland, seconded by Board Member Lafler, to  
continue item No. 22-3261 to next month.  
voice vote.  
The motion carried unanimously on a  
Discussion and Possible Action Concerning a Recommendation to the  
City Commission Regarding Potential Uses of Tree Fund Monies.  
Chair English announced the item.  
Mr. Rogus provided an overview including Commission request for Board input, framework  
for expending Tree Fund monies, Tree Canopy memorandum update, and uses of Tree  
Fund monies.  
Discussion ensued regarding compiling Board suggestions.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Holland, seconded by Board Member Therrien,  
to continue item No. 22-3262 to next month. The motion carried unanimously on a  
voice vote.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Feasibility of Gopher  
Tortoise Relocation on Public Land or Private Conservation Easements  
within the City of North Port.  
Chair English announced the item.  
Discussion ensued regarding Florida Wildlife Conservation (FWC) relocation criteria,  
challenges of relocating tortoises, community tortoise relocation program, habitat  
corridors, areas with high environmental forage value, and planting pollinators.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Holland, seconded by Board Member Hall, to  
continue item No. 22-3263 to next month. The motion carried unanimously on  
voice vote.  
7. Future Agenda Items  
Discussion ensued regarding expiration dates for Board Members.  
Board Member Lafler left the meeting at 6:45 p.m.  
Future agenda items include pesticides and fertilizers used in North Port, no spray zones  
for conservation areas, policy for clear cutting property, and continued discussion for item  
Nos. 22-3260, 22-3261, 22-3262, and 22-3263.  
A motion was made by Board Member Hall, seconded by Board Member Therrien,  
to direct Staff Liaison Rogus to provide information for  
a future agenda item  
regarding land clearing permits, regulations, required signage, and to whom  
violation should be reported. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.  
8. Public Comment  
9. Adjournment  
Allain Hale: no spray and no mow zone signage.  
Chair English adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  
William "Chuck" English, Chair  
Minutes were approved on the ___ day of __________, 2022.