NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
City Commission Regular Meeting  
Pete Emrich, Mayor  
Barbara Langdon, Vice Mayor  
Jill Luke, Commissioner  
Debbie McDowell, Commissioner  
Alice White, Commissioner  
Jerome Fletcher, City Manager  
Amber L. Slayton, City Attorney  
Heather Taylor, City Clerk  
Tuesday, May 24, 2022  
6:00 PM  
City Commission Chambers  
Mayor Emrich called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  
5 -  
Mayor Pete Emrich, Vice Mayor Barbara Langdon, Commissioner Jill Luke,  
Commissioner Alice White and Commissioner Debbie McDowell  
Also Present  
City Manager Jerome Fletcher, City Attorney Amber Slayton, Assistant City Clerk Adrian  
Jianelli, Recording Secretary Amanda Baker, Fire Chief Scott Titus, Police Chief Todd  
Garrison, Planner III Carl Benge, Assistant City Manager Julie Bellia, Neighborhood  
Development Services Director Alaina Ray, Social Services Manager Janet Carrillo, and  
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Tricia Wisner  
A moment of silence took place for Father Patrick Organ with San Pedro Catholic  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Mayor Barbara Langdon.  
Discussion took place regarding reordering the agenda.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Luke, to approve the Agenda as amended to hear Item No. 22-2924 prior to  
Ordinance No. 2022-12. The motion carried on the following vote:  
4 -  
Mayor Emrich, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and Commissioner  
1 - Vice Mayor Langdon  
Vice Mayor Langdon dissented due to her belief that reordering the agenda was not  
Ms. Jianelli read the following e-comment into the record:  
Edie Driest: expressed support in environmental conservation.  
Matt Ackerson: expressed opposition in the Village District Pattern Book for Gran  
Shawn Whitty: expressed opposition in the Village District Pattern Book for Gran  
Angela Gaertner: expressed opposition in the Village District Pattern Book for Gran  
Jeffrey Scott: Government transparency and pubic trust.  
Valdy Olender: Code of Silence, Oath of Office, organizational chart, City Charter, and  
Current Vacancies and Upcoming Expirations for Boards and Committees  
Ms. Jianelli read the announcements into the record.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher noted no items were pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion.  
motion was made by Vice Mayor Langdon, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
Approve the Interlocal Agreement for Community Development Block Grant  
Program with Sarasota County for Fiscal Years 2023, 2024 and 2025  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approval of Melissa Winter as a Regular Member of the Planning and  
Zoning Advisory Board to Serve a Four-Year Term from May 24, 2022, to  
May 24, 2026.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Sarasota County Public  
Hospital District d/b/a Sarasota Memorial Health Care Center & ER at  
North Port and Sarasota Memorial Health Care System and the City of  
North Port Fire Rescue District Addressing Air Traffic Patterns for  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approval of Minutes for the April 26, 2022 City Commission Regular  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Presentation by the Environmental Conservancy of North Port  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Barbara Lockhart, Environmental Conservancy of North Port, provided  
a presentation  
including Who are we, What do we do and where, local native tree canopy , protecting  
homes of wildlife, saving local flora, woods in the neighborhood, clear cutting for  
development, replanting, wildlife being displaced, conservation efforts, natural landscape,  
overview of acquired lots, donations, double lot acquisitions, Go Fund Me Campaign,  
surrounding areas, summary and takeaway, and how can you help.  
Discussion took place regarding gratitude for the organization's efforts, Tree Fund  
donations, creating a relocation habitat for gopher tortoises and scrub-jays, experimental  
relocation efforts, and partnerships with State and Federal conservation agencies.  
Ms. Jianelli read the following e-comment into the record:  
John SanVicente: expressed support in environmental conservancy.  
Consideration of Petition No. PLF-22-028, Manasota Beach Ranchlands  
Plat No. 2 Final Plat (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor Emrich announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and opened the  
public hearing.  
Ms. Jianelli read the petition title and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Jianelli noted there were no aggrieved parties.  
John Luczynski, Senior Vice President of Wellen Park, LLC, being duly sworn, provided a  
presentation including site size, proposed land use, and on-site ponds.  
Mr. Benge, being duly sworn, provided  
presentation including plat, drainage,  
easements, site size and location, approval by City surveyor, and staff recommendation.  
There was no rebuttal by Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or comments.  
There was no closing argument by Staff or Applicant.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Langdon, seconded by Commissioner Luke, to  
approve Petition No. PLF-22-028 as presented and find that, based on the competent  
substantial evidence, the Manasota Beach Ranchlands Plat No. 2 Final Plat  
complies with the Unified Land Development Code and Florida Statutes Chapter  
177. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Adopting a Redistricting  
Plan for the City’s Five City Commission Districts in Accordance with  
Section 2.02 of the Charter of the City of North Port; Amending Sections  
2-2 and 2-3 of the Code of the City of North Port, Florida to Provide for the  
Approved Redistricting Map and Legal Descriptions; Providing for  
Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk read the  
Ordinance by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or comments.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Luke, to approve Ordinance No. 2022-04 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Regulations and Permitting  
Requirements for the Protection of the Florida Scrub Jays.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Ms. Bellia spoke to the previous Commission directives, updating the Unified Land  
Development Code (ULDC), citizen-organized surveys, habitat map update, legal review,  
implementation options, required code amendments, current nesting season, and  
required surveys.  
Discussion took place regarding alternate options for the current nesting season,  
anticipated process timeline, and due diligence.  
Ms. Jianelli read the following e-comment into the record:  
Robin SanVicente: expressed gratitude to Commission and Staff.  
Phil Stokes: expressed support for protecting scrub-jay habitats.  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Calling for a Referendum  
Question to be Placed Before the Qualified Voters of the City of North Port,  
Florida at the November 8, 2022 General Election; Providing  
Referendum Question Determining Whether to Finance the Price  
Boulevard Widening Project Through the Issuance of Bonds Payable from  
One-Cent Sales Tax Proceeds; Providing for Findings; Providing for the  
Filing of the Ordinance with the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections;  
Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an  
Effective Date.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk to read the  
Ordinance by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or comments.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Luke, seconded by Vice Mayor Langdon, to  
approve Ordinance No. 2022-12 as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Calling for a Referendum  
Question to be Placed Before the Qualified Electors of the City of North  
Port, Florida at the November 8, 2022 General Election; Providing a  
Referendum Question Determining Whether to Amend the City Charter to  
Direct the City  
Manager to Sign All Contracts and Allow the City  
Commission to Grant the City Manager Authority to Enter into Certain  
Contracts Without Prior Commission Approval, and to Establish  
Conditions for that Authority, such as Financial Limits; Providing for the Full  
Test of the Proposed Charter Amendment; Providing Findings; Providing  
for an Effective Date for the New Charter Language if the Proposed  
Charter Amendment is Approved; Providing for the Filing of the Ordinance  
with the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections; Providing for Publication  
of the Test of the Proposed Charter Amendment; Providing for Filing with  
the Florida Department of State if the Proposed Charter Amendment is  
Approved; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing  
an Effective Date.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk to read the  
Ordinance by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Ordinance by title only.  
Ms. Slayton introduced the item.  
Commissioner McDowell spoke to  
a memorandum provided by the Charter Review  
Advisory Board regarding cons including potential for abuse and lack of transparency to  
the public, Commission's role in checks and balances, and stated she would not support  
the Ordinance.  
Jeffrey Scott: language within the City Charter regarding Commission's and Charter  
Officers' duties and responsibilities  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Luke, seconded by Vice Mayor Langdon, to  
approve Ordinance No. 2022-13 as presented.  
Discussion took place regarding setting parameters for contracts and financial limits.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
4 - Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke and Commissioner White  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
Commissioner McDowell dissented for reasons stated.  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Amending the Non-District Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for Payments  
Pursuant to the West Villages Developer Agreement (Post Annexation) in  
the amount of $1,637,195; Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts;  
Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk to read the  
Resolution by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or comments.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Luke, to approve Resolution No. 2022-R-27 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
Recess was taken from 7:26 p.m. until 7:45 p.m.  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Authorizing the Conveyance of Real Property Located Along the Northeast  
Entrance Roadway to the City of North Port Southwest Wastewater  
Reclamation Facility and Described as a Portion of the Tract of Land Lying  
in Section 33, Township 39 South, Range 20 East, Sarasota County  
Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Number 0786002200; Providing  
for Filing of Documents; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk to read the  
Resolution by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or comments.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Luke, seconded by Vice Mayor Langdon, to  
approve Resolution No. 2022-R-30 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Accepting a Permanent Utility Easement on a Portion of Property Lying in  
Sections 21 & 22, Township 39 South, Range 21 East, Sarasota County  
Florida, Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Number 0979110001;  
Providing for Incorporation of Recitals; Providing for Filing of Documents;  
Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an  
Effective Date.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk to read the  
Resolution by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or comments.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Langdon, seconded by Commissioner Luke, to  
approve Resolution No. 2022-R-34 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
A Resolution of the City of North Port, Florida, Authorizing the City  
Commission to Participate in a Joint Meeting with the Charlotte County  
Commission to Receive, Discuss, and Act Upon Matters of Mutual Interest;  
Incorporating Recitals; Providing for Severability; and Providing an  
Effective Date  
Mayor Emrich announced the item and directed the Assistant City Clerk to read the  
Resolution by title only.  
Ms. Jianelli read the Resolution by title only and introduced the item.  
Discussion took place regarding discussion topics and providing briefing memoranda at  
the joint meeting.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Luke, to approve Resolution No. 2022-R-35 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
7. GENERAL BUSINESS continued  
Discussion and Possible Action to Request the City Attorney and the  
Attorney General's Office to Conduct a Written Opinion to Interpret Florida  
State Statute Chapter 286 With Regard to Public Notice Requirements for  
Commission Retreats  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commissioner McDowell spoke to the item.  
Discussion took place regarding public noticing of Commission retreats.  
Commissioner Luke read her prepared statement and stated she would not support the  
Discussion ensued regarding setting parameters, reason for retreats, scheduling  
workshop, and maintaining transparency.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to the legalities of the retreat being a workshop, Commission Policy  
No. 2021-05 regarding Commission meeting schedules, notices, and agendas, and  
amending the Policy.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell to direct the City Attorney to  
complete the process and all paperwork necessary to seek the Attorney General's  
opinion relating to Commission retreats as it relates to Florida Statutes Chapter 286  
commonly referred to as the "Florida Open Meeting Law" as soon as possible. The  
motion failed for lack of second.  
Discussion took place regarding scheduling a workshop or future agenda item.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to the legalities of agenda item criteria and placing higher standards  
on retreats.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Expediting the Inclusion of a  
Property Standards Section in the Unified Land Development Code to  
Establish an Enforcement Mechanism for the Maintenance of Privately  
Owned Infrastructure to Include but Not Limited to Roads, Walls, and Stop  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commissioner McDowell spoke to the item.  
Commission questions took place regarding including landscape maintenance in the  
Ms. Bellia answered questions regarding updating the Unified Land Development Code  
(ULDC), and spoke to staff's recommendation for the inclusion of residential and  
non-residential property maintenance standards in the ULDC.  
Ms. Ray answered questions regarding the ULDC coinciding with City Code in relation to  
property maintenance standards.  
Commission questions and discussion ensued regarding citing non-residential properties  
for violating property standards, repercussions for property owners failing to maintain  
stormwater ponds, pond inspections, rectifying Chapter 59 in the City Code and ULDC,  
timeline for updating the property maintenance standards, International Property  
Maintenance Code for commercial properties, and staff's diligence on preparing the ULDC  
There was no public comment.  
Ms. Ray spoke to providing finalized timelines, applications, and processes and  
approximation for a first reading Ordinance after the August break.  
There was consensus to direct staff to bring back a first reading of the International  
Property Maintenance Code and anything else staff deems appropriate to be placed  
in the first reading after the August break.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Designation of  
Delegate for the Annual Business Session of the Annual Florida League of  
Cities Conference  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Discussion took place regarding voting delegate protocol.  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Luke, to nominate Mayor Emrich as the voting delegate for the Annual Business  
Session of the Annual Florida League of Cities Conference. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Approval of the 2022  
Strategic Plan Pillars and Priorities.  
Mayor Emrich announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Discussion took place regarding including unranked priorities and Commissioner  
recommendations for priorities and indicators.  
There was consensus to add "and include Activity Center 6 in the urban service  
boundary" in Priority 4, page 8, through a Comprehensive Plan change.  
Ms. Wisner spoke to the differences between a trail access and a trailhead.  
Discussion took place regarding changing the date of the ULDC update to October 2023  
in Indicator 9.1 on page 9.  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Luke, to approve the North Port Strategic Vision Plan for years 2022-2025 outlining  
the vision statement, mission statement, organizational values, pillars, and  
priorities of each pillar, including the consensus given. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Emrich, Vice Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Luke, Commissioner White and  
Commissioner McDowell  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Emrich's Report  
Mayor Emrich had nothing to report.  
Vice Mayor Langdon's Report  
Vice Mayor Langdon reported on events and meetings attended.  
Commissioner Luke's Report  
Commissioner Luke reported on events and meetings attended.  
Commissioner McDowell's Report  
Commissioner McDowell reported on events and meetings attended.  
Commissioner White's Report  
Commissioner White reported on events and meetings attended.  
City Manager Report  
Mr. Fletcher had nothing to report.  
City Attorney Report  
Ms. Slayton had nothing to report.  
City Clerk Monthly Status Report  
Ms. Jianelli had nothing to report.  
Mayor Emrich adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m.  
City of North Port, Florida  
By: ___________________________________________  
Pete Emrich, Mayor  
Attest: _________________________________________  
Heather Taylor, City Clerk  
These minutes were approved on the ____ day of _______________, 20___.