easement encroachment, compliance status, and shed removal.
Based on evidence presented, Hearing Officer Toale, found Case No. 24-1414, 8608
Leopold Ave., to be in violation of Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code for shed
on property with no permit on file and imposed a fine of $50 a day with a maximum
of $5000 to commence on October 12, 2024.
Section 45-5A, Unified Land Development Code - Land Clearing
(Attend the required Code Enforcement Hearing to states facts concerning
this violation)
Hearing Officer Toale announced the item.
Inspector O’Neil, being duly sworn, provided
presentation including inspections,
violation, lot boundary, and photographs submitted into evidence.
Arborist Ruff, being duly sworn, spoke to tree diameter and fine amount.
Pearl Cruise, property owner representative, being duly sworn, spoke to timeline,
contractor role, dead tree status, wildlife impact, and permit requirements.
Based on evidence presented, Hearing Officer Toale, found Case No. 24-2171, 1557
Squaw Ln., to be in violation of Section 45-5A Unified Land Development Code, 12
trees removed without a permit, and imposed a fine of $4800.
2012 International Property Maintenance Code Section 108.1.1 - Unsafe
structures. An unsafe structure is one that is found to be dangerous to the
life, health, property or safety of the public or the occupants of the structure
by not providing minimum safeguards to protect or warn occupants in the
event of fire, or because such structure contains unsafe equipment or is so
damaged, decayed, dilapidated, structurally unsafe or of such faulty
construction or unstable foundation, that partial or complete collapse is
(Incomplete, neglected construction site. The structure, slab, block, rafter
and plywood roof are unsecured, no windows or doors, no silt fencing and
with decaying building materials about the property. The plywood roofing
was deteriorating and possibly a hazard to neighboring properties should
there be inclement weather.)
Section, Florida Building Code- Permit has expired
(The SFR permit to Blacktip construction, # 21-10000 issued 8/13/21 has
expired on April 13, 2024)
Section 33-7C(3), Unified Land Development Code Silt screens are not
installed properly, site is at risk of potential erosion.
(Erosion control fencing is down around this construction site)
Hearing Officer Toale announced the item.
Inspector Schauer, being duly sworn, provided
violations, and photographs submitted into evidence.
a presentation including inspections,
Reich Wiser, Estero Development Partners LP, being duly sworn, spoke to rehiring
contractors and timeline.