Section, Florida Building Code- Permit has expired.
(Expired SFR Building Permit #22-9026, expired on 7-17-24.)
33-7(D)(1)(C) Unified Land Development Code - Piling and storage of
debris; landscaped berms. The pile of debris shall be completely enclosed
on all four (4) sides
(Overall unkempt appearance of this construction site- with debris
scattered throughout. Debris is overflowing from dumpster, and blowing
throughout the property and in to the City Right-of-way)
59-1 (c)(1), City Code Allowed parking - A property owner shall only have a
boat, light duty vehicle, oncall/on-duty wrecker, recreational vehicle, or
trailer parked on their residential lot when the lot contains a principal
structure, and pursuant to the following limitations:
a. Combined maximum parking. The combined maximum number of light
duty vehicles and boats allowed to park on a residential lot is determined
based on the lot's size, as follows:
Lot Size Total Vehicles and/or Boats
10,999 square feet or smaller 6
11,000 to 20,999 square feet 8
21,000 to 30,999 square feet 9
31,000 to 40,999 square feet 10
41,000 to 50,999 square feet 11
51,000 square feet and larger 12
b. Boat and trailer parking. A boat on a trailer shall count as one item
towards the combined maximum parking allowed on a residential lot.
c. Location limits. No boat, light duty vehicle, recreational vehicle, and/or
trailer shall be parked on a residential lot except as follows:
1. Front yard parking. A parked vehicle/boat must rest entirely upon a
driveway in the front yard.
2. Side or rear yard parking. A parked vehicle/boat must rest so that no
part encroaches into an easement on the side or rear yard. *Driveway. An
improved surface located between the public street and a private property
that provides ingress and egress of vehicular traffic from the public street to
a definite area on the private property, such as a carport, garage, or house.
(A Truck and Two (2) trailers parked/stored on unimproved surface in the
front of this construction site. being stored on unimproved surface in front 2
trailers parked on unimproved surface in front of property. No dumpster on
site Damaged silt fence)
33-7(D)(1)(C) Unified Land Development Code - Piling and storage of
debris; landscaped berms. The pile of debris shall be completely enclosed
on all four (4) sides
(There is no dumpster or other garbage containment on this construction
site, of which is required per Code. Additionally, the porta john on this
construction site is tipped over and should be stood back up.)
Section 33-7C(3), Unified Land Development Code Silt screens are not