NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Art Advisory Board  
Tuesday, April 12, 2022  
6:00 PM  
City Hall Room 244  
1. Call to Order  
Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
6 -  
Chair Kelly, Vice Chair Nicastro, Board Member Shelton, Board Member Loos,  
Board Member Parkinson and Board Member Gozion  
Also Present  
Marketing and Engagement Coordinator Laura Ansel, and Recording Secretary Susan  
3. Pledge of Allegiance  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Board.  
4. Public Comment  
There was no public comment.  
5. Approval of Minutes  
Approval of Minutes for the March 8, 2022 Art Advisory Board Meeting.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Nicastro, seconded by Board Member Gozion, to  
approve the Minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously on  
a voice  
Chair Kelly requested to move Item No. 22-2602 before Item No. 22-2616.  
A motion was made by Board Member Shelton, seconded by Vice Chair Nicastro,  
to move Item No. 22-2602 before Item No. 22-2616. The motion carried unanimously  
on a voice vote.  
6. Presentation  
2023 "Embracing  
Differences" Exhibit with Ms. Sarah Wertheimer, Executive Director.  
Chair Kelly introduced the item.  
Ms. Ansel provided a brief overview of hosting a future "Embracing Our Differences"  
Sarah Wertheimer, Executive Director of Embracing Our Differences, Inc., presented an  
overview including the mission and background of the non-profit organization, history and  
competitions within Sarasota and Manatee Counties, number of submissions this year,  
open park displays, exhibiting themes of diversity, programs offered, school field trips,  
high school students trained as docents for the exhibit, public accessibility, and Butler  
Park Exhibit.  
Discussion took place regarding bringing the program to North Port, educating children  
and adults, attracting adult traffic, possible sponsors for night lighting, dates for exhibit,  
and encouraging local artist participation.  
7. New Business  
Discussion and Possible Action for the North Port Aquatic Center  
Sponsorship Wall.  
Chair Kelly introduced the item.  
Ms. Ansel spoke to the project being initiated by the Parks and Recreation Department,  
location of wall, and options for updating the sponsorship wall.  
Cathy Beausoleil, local artist, presented a replacement mural including initial cleaning by  
the City, parts that cannot be removed, subsequent background painting, undersea and  
sky theme, a children's activity book, breakdown of proposed budget, height and length of  
wall, and artwork being weather sealed.  
Discussion ensued regarding Commission's final approval, 24 hour accessibility, removing  
and replacing the blue plastic sponsorship fish, and preparation of the agenda item for  
Commission approval.  
A motion was made by Board Member Shelton, seconded by Board Member Loos,  
that the Art Advisory Board recommends to the City Commission approval of  
Option B, requesting a plan and quote from Cathy Beausoleil for a mural to replace  
the sponsorship wall at Butler Park. The motion carried on a voice vote with Board  
Member Gozion abstaining due to conflict of interest.  
Discussion continued concerning mural maintenance, making art part of the City,  
providing wall access and timeline of completion.  
There was  
a consensus for Ms. Beausoleil to add a maintenance plan to her  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding a Public Art Project for the  
City's 65th Anniversary.  
Chair Kelly introduced the item.  
Discussion ensued regarding a date of 2029 and a theme of "A Community of Unity."  
8. Updates  
Upcoming Events and Programs with the North Port Art Center (Dee Dee  
Chair Kelly introduced the item.  
Board Member Gozion provided a review of upcoming events.  
Update on the Recommended Installation of the Roseate Spoonbill  
Sculpture on the Second Floor of City Hall (Board Liaison Laura Ansel).  
Chair Kelly introduced the item.  
Ms. Ansel spoke to the date to be presented to Commission, presentation of the item,  
agenda distribution to Board members, and providing background with alternative  
locations for the sculpture.  
Discussion ensued regarding mural maintenance, spoon bill maintenance, and incentives  
for maintenance by developers.  
9. Future Agenda Items  
Future agenda items included Board discussion concerning Commission's direction  
pertaining to the Senior Center mural including backup material, inviting a Senior Center  
representative to attend a meeting, the Punta Gorda Mural Society presentation, and  
green art squares distributed throughout the City.  
10. Public Comment  
11. Adjournment  
There was no public comment.  
Chair Kelly adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m.  
By: __________________  
Tony Kelly, Chair  
Minutes were approved on the ___ day of ___________, 2022.