Ms. Price read the Petition by title.
Ms. Faust swore in those wishing to provide testimony.
Chair Waugh called for disclosure of ex parte communications.
There were no ex parte communications.
Ms. Price stated there were no aggrieved parties.
Mr. Brown, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, background,
review process, compliance with Florida Statutes and Unified Land Development Code
(ULDC), and staff recommendations.
There were no rebuttals by Staff.
There was no public comment.
Board questions and discussion took place regarding vacating streetside landscaping,
landscape requirements, rectifying errors made during development, and final inspection
Ms. Willette-Grondin, being duly sworn, spoke to board requirements to make decision
based on meeting Florida Statute criteria.
Board questions and discussion continued regarding cash bond, notification and ULDC
requirements, impact on future developments, and survey review.
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, spoke to staff plan review errors.
There were no closing arguments by Staff.
Chair Waugh closed the public hearing and requested a motion.
A motion was made by Board Member Baer, seconded by Board Member Ludos, to
recommend approval to the City Commission of Resolution No. 2024-R-63, as
presented. The motion was carried on the following vote:
5 -
Vice Chair Ludos, Board Member Irizarry, Board Member Patricoski, Chair Waugh
and Board Member Baer
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval of the Revised 2025
Annual Meeting Schedule
Chair Waugh announced the item.
Board questions and discussion took place regarding break time.
Ms. Faust spoke to prior meeting discussion and staff recommendation.
There was no public comment.
Chair Waugh requested a motion.
A motion was made by Board Member Ludos, seconded by Board Member Irizarry,
to approve the 2025 Planning and Zoning Advisory Board Meeting Schedule as
revised. The motion carried on the following vote: