NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
Environmental Advisory Board  
Monday, August 7, 2023  
5:30 PM  
City Hall Room 244  
1. Call to Order  
Chair Holland called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
5 -  
Chair Holland, Vice Chair English, Board Member Therrien, Board Member  
Robinson and Board Member Eik  
1 - Board Member Hall  
Also Present:  
Environmental Technician Jeremy Rogus, Recording Secretary Matthew Powell, and  
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Trish Sturgess  
3. Pledge of Allegiance  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Board.  
4. Public Comment  
Virginia Lewis: expressed concern for wildlife and environmental preservation.  
5. Approval of Minutes  
Approval of the July 10, 2023 Environmental Advisory Board Meeting  
A motion was made by Board Member Therrien, seconded by Vice Chair English,  
to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Chair Holland, Vice Chair English, Board Member Therrien, Board Member  
Robinson and Board Member Eik  
1 - Board Member Hall  
6. Presentation  
Sarasota County Community Gardens (Mindy Hanak)  
Chair Holland announced the item.  
Mindy Hanak, Sarasota County Community Gardens, provided a presentation including  
introductions, garden program, location, membership, plantings, resources, types,  
harvests, food security statistics, intent, gardening benefits, member feedback, steps for  
implementation, funding, tips, examples, and contact information.  
Discussion took place regarding City versus County designation, volunteer role, pest  
control, community benefits, membership fees, mulch acquisition, compost collection,  
survey options, maintenance requirements, communication efforts, Board role, location,  
weather effects, and youth programs.  
Public comment:  
Amber Clayton: spoke to micro-forest benefits.  
7. Unfinished Business  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Native and Pollinator Plantings  
at City Parks and Recreation Sites (Parks and Recreation)  
Chair Holland announced the item.  
Ms. Sturgess introduced the item.  
Paul Jackomin, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, spoke to coordination efforts and  
Discussion took place regarding Board coordination and representation, educational  
efforts, signage, maintenance requirements, donations, volunteer efforts, Environmental  
Conservancy of North Port, gopher tortoise preservation, plantings, wildlife attraction,  
seed utilization, Hope Park, and funding.  
A motion was made by Board Member Therrien, seconded by Vice Chair English,  
to direct Chair Holland to attend the August 17, 2023 Parks and Recreation  
Advisory Board Meeting as a representative of the Environmental Advisory Board  
to discuss collaboration efforts. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Chair Holland, Vice Chair English, Board Member Therrien, Board Member  
Robinson and Board Member Eik  
1 - Board Member Hall  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Finalizing the Board's Annual  
Report to the Commission (Jeremy Rogus)  
Chair Holland announced the item and spoke to the draft report.  
Discussion took place regarding inclusion of Board goals, accomplishments, and  
A motion was made by Board Member Eik, seconded by Vice Chair English, to  
finalize and present the Environmental Advisory Board Annual Report to City  
Commission including an attachment with Board goals and accomplishments. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Chair Holland, Vice Chair English, Board Member Therrien, Board Member  
Robinson and Board Member Eik  
1 - Board Member Hall  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Implementation of Additional  
Community Gardens (Lola Robinson)  
Chair Holland announced the item.  
Discussion took place regarding Sarasota County Community Gardens presentation,  
survey requirement, presenting survey results to Commission, recommendations,  
micro-forests, zoning and development process, and wildlife preservation.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding New Recommendations or  
Advisements to City Commission Pertaining to Preserving and Promoting  
Wildlife, Habitat Protection, Trees, the City's Natural and Environmental  
Resources, Tree Planting, and Beautification of Public Spaces  
Chair Holland announced the item.  
Discussion took place regarding geographic information system (GIS) usage, gopher  
tortoise tracking and verification process, property survey process, volunteer efforts,  
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) environmental survey criteria and process, and  
global positioning system (GPS) usage.  
A motion was made by Board Member Therrien, seconded by Board Member Eik,  
to discuss the Unified Land Development Code environmental survey criteria and  
process at the next Environmental Advisory Board Meeting. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Chair Holland, Vice Chair English, Board Member Therrien, Board Member  
Robinson and Board Member Eik  
1 - Board Member Hall  
8. Future Agenda Items  
Mr. Rogus spoke to Board powers and duties.  
9. Public Comment  
Kim Peeler: expressed support for environmental preservation relating to new  
Discussion took place regarding new development green space requirement and natural  
area parkland acreage.  
There was consensus to direct Board Member Eik to draft a memorandum advising  
City Commission to increase the green space requirement for new development  
Discussion continued regarding percentage.  
10. Adjournment  
Chair Holland adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.  
By: _____________________________  
Honey “Desiree” Holland, Chair