NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
City Commission Regular Meeting  
Alice White, Mayor  
Phil Stokes, Vice Mayor  
Pete Emrich, Commissioner  
Barbara Langdon, Commissioner  
Debbie McDowell, Commissioner  
Jerome Fletcher, City Manager  
Amber L. Slayton, City Attorney  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
Tuesday, January 9, 2024  
10:00 AM  
City Commission Chambers  
Mayor White called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  
5 -  
Commissioner Pete Emrich, Commissioner Debbie McDowell, Mayor Alice White,  
Vice Mayor Philip Stokes and Commissioner Barbara Langdon  
City Manager Jerome Fletcher, City Attorney Amber Slayton, City Clerk Heather Faust,  
Assistant City Clerk Matthew Powell, Deputy Police Chief Chris Morales, Deputy Fire  
Chief Nicholas Herlihy, Public Works Director Chuck Speake, Assistant Director of  
Development Services Lori Barnes, Planner III Carl Benge, Stormwater Manager Elizabeth  
Wong, Facilities Manager Kimberly Humphrey, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director  
Trish Sturgess, Engineer II Anthony Friedman, and City Engineer Danny Quick  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Attorney Amber Slayton.  
Mayor White requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Langdon,  
to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
Mayor White spoke to public comment decorum.  
Ms. Faust read the following eComments into the record:  
Judith Leach: expressed opposition to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Patricia Shepherd: expressed opposition to rezoning.  
In person public comments:  
Laura Mueller: expressed opposition to Item No. DMP-22-256.  
Carol Stropoli: expressed opposition to Item No. DMP-22-256.  
Dan Carnrite: expressed concern regarding signage repair.  
Chris Johnson: spoke to Hurricane Ian recovery efforts.  
Jackie Wheeler: spoke to Hurricane Ian recovery efforts.  
Current Vacancies for Advisory Boards and Committees  
Mayor White announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read the  
Ms. Faust read the announcements into the record.  
Mayor White announced the item and queried the City Manager regarding items pulled  
from the consent agenda for discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor White requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Chair Stokes, to  
approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
Award Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2023-32 for Professional  
Services for City Fees, Rates, Methodologies and Assessments Through  
2023-32.001 with  
2023-32.002 with Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt, Consulting Engineers,  
Inc.; Agreement No. 2023-32.003 with Stantec Consulting Services Inc.;  
and Agreement No. 2023-32.004 with Willdan Financial Services, Inc. and  
Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Approve Work Assignments  
and Future Renewals as Needed, Consistent With the Approved Budget  
For Said Contracts.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter into  
a Purchase Order With Ajax Building Company for Temporary Fencing at  
Warm Mineral Springs Park Under Purchase Order No. 049621 in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $24,196.00.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter Into  
a Purchase Order With Williams Scotsman, Inc. for Temporary Buildings at  
Warm Mineral Springs Park Under Purchase Order No. 049821 in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $115,000.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve Contract No. 2023-34 With Jay’s Fencing, LLC, on an As-Needed  
Basis; Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Approve Subsequent  
Work Assignments up to $100,000 As-Needed, Consistent With Approved  
Budget and Future Renewals; and Approve Work Assignments 1 and 2 for  
the Combined Total of $198,287.00.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Award Request for Bid (RFB) No. 2024-08 for the Purchase of Calcium  
Chloride for the City’s Water Treatment Plant to Tetra Technologies, Inc. for  
an Estimated Annual Amount of $130,500.00 and Authorize the City  
Manager to Approve Renewals in Accordance with the Terms and  
Conditions in the Solicitation.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve the Acceptance of the Community Grant From the Walmart  
Foundation in the Amount of $3,500 to be Used for Shop With a Cop and  
Home for the Holidays Programs.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve Work Assignment No. 2024-07 with Black and Veatch  
Corporation to Complete the North Port Water Supply Evaluation for the  
Amount of $349,480.00.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve the Interagency User Agreement by and between the Sarasota  
County Sheriff’s Office and the City of North Port, Florida on Behalf of the  
North Port Police Department for Criminal Justice Information Exchange  
and Use for Windows in Government Systems (WinGS).  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve the Interagency User Agreement by and between the Sarasota  
County Sheriff’s Office and the City of North Port, Florida on Behalf of the  
North Port Police Department for Criminal Justice Information Exchange  
and Use of Florida Crime Information Center and National Crime  
Information Center (FCIC/NCIC) During  
System Failure or Center  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Sarasota  
County Sheriff’s Office and the City of North Port, Florida on Behalf of the  
North Port Police Department for Investigations into Employee Criminal  
Activity, Use of Deadly Force, and In-Custody Deaths.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Sarasota  
County Sheriff’s Office and the City of North Port, Florida on Behalf of the  
North Port Police Department for the Appointment of Deputy Sheriffs.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve the November 28, 2023 Commission Regular Meeting Minutes,  
the December 4, 2023 Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes, and the  
December 12, 2023 Commission Regular Meeting Minutes.  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of North Port  
and the Southwest Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc., (PBA).  
This item was approved on the consent agenda.  
Consideration of Petition No. PLF-23-167, Central Parc at North Port  
Phase 1 Plat (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Vice Chair Stokes, Commissioner Langdon, Mayor White, and Commissioner Emrich  
disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed email received from citizen.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Peter Van Buskirk, Kimley-Horn, being duly sworn, spoke to overview, approval process,  
compliance with subdivision plans, and Federal Emergency Management Agency  
(FEMA) flood zones.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, residential lots, aerial view, compliance with Unified  
Land Development Code (ULDC) and Florida Statutes, and recommendations.  
The Applicant provided a rebuttal regarding scrivener's errors and corrections.  
There was no rebuttal by Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding bridge location and  
construction timeline and arsenic concerns.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Langdon,  
to approve the Central Parc Phase 1 Plat, Petition No. PLF-23-167, and find that,  
based on the competent and substantial evidence, the plat is consistent with Florida  
Statutes Section 177.081, the Unified Land Development Code, and the North Port  
Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
Consideration of Petition No. DMP-23-081, Fellowship Replat (Tommy’s  
DMP-23-081 Carwash US-41) Development Master Plan (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Vice Chair Stokes, Commissioner Langdon, Mayor White, and Commissioner Emrich  
disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed emails sent and received from staff requesting and  
receiving documents.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Zachary Komninos, Bowman Consulting, being duly sworn, provided  
a presentation  
including overview, zoning, location, street view, Development Master Plan (DMP),  
landscape plan, circulation plan, elevations, modification requests, and requested  
Mr. Benge, being duly sworn, provided  
a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, requested waivers, neighborhood meeting, staff review,  
compliance with Comprehensive Plan, Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), and  
Florida Statutes, fiscal impact analysis, and recommendations.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding pedestrian walkway and bike  
rack waiver request clarity, trash receptacle placement, ULDC waiver requirement relating  
to design standards, U. S. Route 41 accessibility, site accessibility, and water bodies.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to motion and verbiage recommendations.  
Commission discussion continued regarding modification request clarity and verbiage  
recommendations to include conditions.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes,  
to approve Petition No. DMP-23-081 with the following modifications and  
conditions and find that, based on the competent substantial evidence, the  
Development Master Plan complies with the Unified Land Development Code:  
1. A modification request from ULDC Sec. 21-8.C, Use of curbs and wheel stops, to  
remove the wheel stops based on past developments and the potential tripping  
hazard on their sites. To provide bollards at each vacuum stall abutting any  
2. A modification request from ULDC Sec. 37-41.B, Bike paths, bike lanes and bike  
rack, to remove the requirement to pro-vide a bike path around the stormwater  
4. A modification request from UDPP Pg. 29, Planters, to remove the requirements  
to provide planters for the pro-posed carwash.  
A modification request from UDPP Pg. 31, Trash receptacles, to change the  
location of the trash receptacles to allow them at each vacuum stall.  
6. A modification request from the UDPP, Pg. 31, walking trails, to not require a  
walking trail be incorporated within the development.  
Planning and Zoning—  
1. The Major Site and Development Plan (MAS) shall incorporate the following  
a. (b) Provision of bicycle racks or storage facilities.  
b. (c) Coordinate with SCAT in locating bus stops, shelters, etc.  
c. (i) Installation of energy-efficient lighting for streets, parking areas, recreation  
areas, and other interior and exterior public areas.  
d. (k) Selection of native plants.  
e. (l) Planting of native shade trees in all recreation areas, streets, and parking. (p)  
Wherever, trees are not practical, structural shading shall be provided (i.e.,  
awnings, windsails, overhangs, etc.).  
2. A bond will be required prior to approval of the Major Site and Development  
Plan. Provide an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost (EOPC) to Public Works and  
Utilities for approval.  
3. An Urban Design Standards Review (UDSR) must be completed prior to approval  
of the Major Site and Development Plan. The architectural design shall meet the  
requirements in the Urban Design Standards Pattern Book for Activity Center 1.  
4. Public art shall be provided per ULDC Sec. 55-9 and Sec. 59-2. that complies with  
Chapter 59.  
5. During building permit review the following Energy Conditions must be  
incorporated –  
a. (d) Use of energy-efficient features in window design.  
b. (e) Use of operable windows and ceiling fans.  
6. See Water Supply/Wastewater Treatment Condition 5. All non-potable water  
demand (i.e., irrigation) shall be met using alternate sources such as  
retention/detention facilities, wells, and treated wastewater effluent.  
7. Any tree from the median of Panacea Blvd impacted during the construction of  
the full access points shall be relocated and replanted in the median of Panacea  
Blvd adjacent to its previous location. If harmed, the tree shall be replaced with a  
like tree.  
8. The future detailed design of the stormwater management system must meet all  
requirements in the City of North Port Unified Land Development Code (ULDC)  
Stormwater Regulations. Detailed stormwater quality treatment calculations and  
water quantity attenuation analysis must be provided in the later INF or MAS  
applications. If the later SDR applications for INF or MAS include hydraulic  
modeling that shows additional pond footprint will be needed, changes will need to  
be made to the DMP plans and go through the entire DMP approval process again.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
Recess was taken from 11:01 a.m. to 11:11 a.m.  
DMP-23-055 Development Master Plan (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to quasi-judicial proceedings relating to public comments heard  
outside of testimony.  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, emails  
received from citizens, email sent to City Manager requesting traffic impact study,  
conversation regarding public comment process, site visit, and reviewing property  
appraiser website.  
Commissioner Langdon disclosed emails received from citizens and familiarity with area.  
Mayor White disclosed conversations with citizens, public comments heard outside of  
testimony, and familiarity with area.  
Vice Chair Stokes disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, emails  
received from citizens, attending neighborhood meeting, and conversations with citizens.  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, unread  
emails received from citizens, and conversations with citizens.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Charlie Bailey, Williams Parker Law Firm, Clint Cuffle, WRA Engineering, and Leslie  
Taylor, Zeman Homes, all being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview,  
location, aerial view, neighborhood meeting, Recreational Vehicle (RV) spaces, zoning  
and future land uses, buffers, modification requests, stormwater drainage and  
maintenance, site accessibility, and signage.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding presentation time extension.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to time extension recommendations and requirements.  
There were no objections to a time extension by Staff or the Applicant.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Langdon, to extend the presentation time by an additional 5 minutes granting  
total of 25 minutes.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding motion verbiage to include  
time extension for all parties.  
Commissioner Langdon withdrew her second.  
The motion was made restated by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by  
Commissioner Langdon, to extend the presentation time for all parties by an  
additional 5 minutes granting  
following vote:  
a total of 25 minutes. The motion carried on the  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
The Applicant continued the presentation including access improvements, resorts,  
amenities, architecture, examples, operations, and requested approval.  
Ms. Wong and Mr. Benge, both being duly sworn, provided a presentation including  
stormwater maintenance, overview, applicant, property owner, request, location, waiver  
requests, neighborhood meeting, staff review, compliance with Comprehensive Plan,  
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), and Florida Statutes, fiscal impact analysis, and  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
Ms. Faust read the following public comment cards into the record:  
Gregory Sano: being duly sworn, opposed to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
John Bergeron: being duly sworn, opposed to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Ken Osberg: being duly sworn, opposed to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Steve Jones: being duly sworn, opposed to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Frank Stults: being duly sworn, opposed to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Robert Kerns: being duly sworn, opposed to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
In person public comment:  
Robin Smith: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Joseph Sexton: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Colette Welch: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Item No. DMP-23-055.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding bulb-out and traffic flow  
accommodation requirements, left and right turn lane construction responsibility, park  
model versus standard lot, impact fee inclusion of park impact fees and park usage, open  
space percentage and definition, ingress and egress access points, emergency services  
accessibility, traffic impact concerns, U. S. Route 41 accessibility, lightning concerns,  
stationary definition, average length of stay, vehicle size accommodation, vendor  
selection criteria, park model transient status regulation, fitness trail modification request  
clarity, utility and sewer connections, stormwater drainage ownership and maintenance  
responsibility, ULDC parking regulations, signage modification request clarity, exterior  
metal design standards modification requirement, masonry wall modification requirement,  
and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) installation.  
The Applicant agreed to install an RRFB as an additional condition.  
Staff provided a closing argument regarding stormwater drainage impact, traffic impact,  
street lighting, and recommendations.  
The Applicant provided a closing argument regarding stormwater drainage maintenance,  
traffic impact, and requested approval.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to motion and verbiage recommendations.  
Commission discussion continued regarding RRFB installation requirement relating to  
Commission role.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to Commission role.  
Commission discussion continued regarding adding  
installation utilizing testimony provided.  
condition requiring RRFB  
Ms. Slayton spoke to applicability of testimony provided.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Mayor White, to  
approve Petition No. DMP-23-055 with conditions 1 through 15 outlined in section 5  
of the staff report adding a condition 16 for the applicant to install a Rectangular  
Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) commonly known as a lighted beacon cross walk  
between the two sections of development and the modifications 1 and 2 as  
identified in the staff report and modification 3 to be 3 signs with a maximum of  
100 square feet per sign and modification 4 to waive the Staff Development Review  
(SDR) guideline requirement for fitness trails surrounding all stormwater ponds and  
find that, based on the competent substantial evidence, the Development Master  
Plan and modifications comply and are consistent with the intent of the Unified  
Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan, and do not adversely affect  
the public interest.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to motion and verbiage recommendations.  
Commission discussion continued regarding corrections to modification request numbers  
and meeting procedure recommendations.  
Ms. Faust spoke to meeting procedure recommendations.  
The motion failed on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Mayor White, to  
approve Petition No. DMP-23-055 with the following conditions and modifications  
and find that, based on the competent substantial evidence, the Development  
Master Plan and modifications comply and are consistent with the intent of the  
Unified Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan, and do not  
adversely affect the public interest.  
1. A waiver request from ULDC Sec. 29-11.G(6)(a), Area of sign—Wall signs, to  
increase the allowable square footage of the wall sign from the permitted 100  
square feet to three signs at a maximum of 100 square feet per sign.  
2. A waiver request from ULDC Sec. 55-14, Intent, for the “Park Model” RVs to  
waive the AC-1 architectural guidelines for the “Park Model” RVs.  
3. A waiver request from the Urban Design Pattern Plan Book, Stormwater/Fitness  
Trail, to waive the guidelines requiring a fitness trail to surround all stormwater  
4. A waiver request from ULDC Sec. 37-50.A(6), minimum lighting for the lighting  
around the RV parking spaces.  
1. Applicant shall place all trees and landscaping per code. Applicant shall adhere  
to the “right tree, right place” policy. No medium or large canopy trees shall be  
placed within the setback of 20’ and 30’ respectively of overhead utilities. Trees  
categorized as small may be planted adjacent to power lines (a six-foot setback is  
recommended). Palms that will attain more than 10’ of vertical height shall be  
placed with a setback equal to the maximum frond length plus 3’.  
2. NOTICE: Site assessment activities (e.g. surveys, geotechnical) performed with  
the use of machinery/equipment which includes removal of trees, underbrush, or  
understory vegetation requires a land clearing/underbrush permit issued by the City  
of North Port Building Department. Except for the hand clearing of understory  
vegetation, removal of trees or understory vegetation without an appropriate land  
clearing/underbrush permit from the City of North Port Building Department may  
constitute violation(s) not limited to FWC rules, ULDC Chapter 58 Archeological  
Resource Protection Regulations, and ULDC Chapter 45 Tree Protection Regulations  
(adopted Feb. 22, 2022). Hand clearing of understory vegetation shall not occur in a  
wetland or watercourse buffer. Definitions of “tree” and “understory vegetation” are  
included in ULDC Chapter 45 Tree Protection Regulations (adopted Feb. 22, 2022  
ord. no. 2021-46).  
3. Before FDEP permits will be signed, North Port Utilities requires the following:  
a. Four complete sets of DEP permit applications (water and sewer) and four sets of  
construction plans both sets of items shall be signed and sealed by the engineer of  
b. One engineer certified (sealed) estimate for the cost of utility construction.  
c. A check for the Utility Construction Inspection Fee. The fee shall be 6.5% of the  
utility construction costs for projects $0 to $2 million, plus 2.5% of utility  
construction cost over $2 million. The minimum fee is $250.00.  
4. Prior to commencement of utility site construction, three copies of shop  
Drawings plus any copies required by the applicant shall be submitted to the Utility  
Department for review and approval.  
5. Irrigation systems shall be designed and constructed to meet reuse standards.  
6. Provide the Utility Department with floor plans and plumbing risers for each  
individual unit so meter sizes and capacity fees can be calculated. Meter and  
Capacity fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the building permit.  
7. Prior to utility site construction the Development Order, Department of  
Environmental Protection Permit and Development of Health Permit shall be posted  
at the project site and provided at the preconstruction meeting.  
A developer agreement shall be negotiated with the utility department and  
approved by the Utility Director and City Staff prior to DEP or DOH permits being  
signed and released.  
9. The future detailed design of the stormwater management system must meet all  
requirements in the City of North Port Unified Land Development Code (ULDC)  
Stormwater Regulations. Detailed stormwater quality treatment calculations and  
water quantity attenuation analysis must be provided in the later detailed design  
applications. If the later detailed design includes hydraulic modeling that shows  
additional pond footprint will be needed, changes will need to be made to the DMP  
plans and go through the entire DMP approval process again.  
10. Drainage Report pdf page 28 – no littoral zone is provided. Per ULDC Section  
18-7, wet ponds must include a littoral zone corresponding to 35% of the minimum  
pond area. Littoral zones can be placed around the pond periphery, especially near  
flows entering the pond, so that maximum contact time is available with the  
pollutants entering the pond and prior to discharge from the pond.  
11. Please provide the allowable discharge flow from the Walgreens (aka Save-Alot)  
site and indicated how the provided ICPR model results compare to the permitted  
Walgreens flow.  
12. The attenuation model should be evaluated using realistic tailwater conditions  
for the Myakkahatchee Creek oxbow as the existing Talon Bay model may  
underestimate the tailwater conditions.  
13. Please note that the draft FEMA FIRMs 100-year BFE is changed from an  
existing 7ft NAVD88 to 9ft NAVD88. It is recommended (not required at this time)  
that the design be planned accordingly.  
14. Please make sure both the plans and drainage report are signed and sealed.  
15. Please add a hydrant in the area called out on the plan adjacent to the mail  
16. Required installation of  
sections of development.  
a RRFB lighted crosswalk located between the two  
Commission discussion continued regarding compliance with ULDC and Comprehensive  
Plan, lighting concerns, and traffic impact concerns.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, to direct staff to conduct a full  
and collective traffic study of U. S. Route 41 and Talon Bay Drive within 2 years.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to agenda and public notice requirements.  
Commissioner McDowell withdrew her motion.  
Recess was taken from 1:32 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.  
Consideration of Petition No. DMP-22-256, Talon Bay Self Storage  
DMP-23-256 Development Master Plan (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Vice Chair Stokes, Commissioner Langdon, Mayor White, and Commissioner Emrich  
disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed email sent to City Manager requesting documents.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Jim Ready, Cavoli Engineering, being duly sworn, provided an overview and spoke to  
stormwater drainage.  
Mr. Benge, being duly sworn, provided  
a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, aerial view, neighborhood meeting, compliance with  
Comprehensive Plan, Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), and Florida Statutes,  
fiscal impact analysis, and recommendations.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding available parking versus  
ULDC parking requirements and related waiver requirements, U. S. Route 41 wall  
softening potential, and economic benefit.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes,  
to approve Petition No. DMP-22-256 as presented and find that based on the  
competent substantial evidence, the Development Master Plan complies with the  
Unified Land Development Code.  
Commission discussion continued regarding ULDC parking requirements and lack of  
waiver request.  
The motion carried on the following vote with Commissioner McDowell dissenting  
due to not following the ULDC parking requirements and not submitting a waiver  
4 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes and Commissioner  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
ORDINANCE - First Reading:  
An Ordinance of The City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Future Land  
Use Designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density  
Residential for ±18.63 Acre Area Generally Located North of  
Hillsborough Boulevard and West of Toledo Blade Boulevard; Amending  
the City of North Port Comprehensive Plan Chapter 2, Future Land Use  
Map 2-7; Providing for Findings; Providing for Adoption; Providing for  
Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor White announced the item and stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor White requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to read by title only.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Langdon,  
to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, meeting  
with the developer on September 7, 2022 regarding revised plan, emails sent and received  
from citizens, phone calls with citizen regarding tree markings, the November 2, 2023  
Planning and Zoning Advisory Board Meeting cancellation, and the January 9, 2024  
Regular Commission Meeting, phone call with citizen regarding traffic impact concerns,  
public comment process, and development procedures, and held a Town Hall Meeting  
with citizens and explained development procedures and quasi-judicial procedures.  
Vice Chair Stokes disclosed conversations with citizens.  
Mayor White disclosed conversations with citizens and meeting with the developer  
regarding revised plan.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Mayor White noted technical difficulties.  
Jeffery Boone, Boone Law Firm, and Michael Belfonti, Belfonti Companies, both being  
duly sworn, provided a presentation including approval process, background, engineering,  
projects completed, property size, future land use designation, site plan, concept video,  
aerial view, compliance with Comprehensive Plan, economic development, staff report,  
recommendations, and requested approval.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, aerial view, future land use designation, compliance  
with Comprehensive Plan, Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), and Florida Statutes,  
staff review, and recommendations.  
The Applicant provided  
community benefits.  
a rebuttal regarding traffic impact, economic benefits, and  
There was no rebuttal by Staff.  
Ms. Faust read the following public comment cards into the record:  
Angie Papadetos: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Roksana Stolyov: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Aleksanolr Stolyov: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Stanley Hibbins: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Joan Manniov: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Ann Manniov: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Toni Hooven: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Carmen D Molina: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
James Idone: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Ms. Faust swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
In person public comment:  
Cynthia Royals: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
John Makredes: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Gabriela Donley: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Anthony Bellino: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Ord. No. 2023-31.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding original versus revised  
backup materials, public notice requirements, transmittal requirements, approval and  
review process, State and Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FDEO) role,  
traffic impact improvement responsibility, trip generation rate, single versus multifamily  
residential economic impact, housing diversification benefits, and Commission role.  
Staff provided a closing argument regarding consistency with the Comprehensive Plan  
and Florida Statutes, economic and community benefits, and requested approval.  
The Applicant provided a closing argument regarding housing diversification benefits and  
requested approval.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes,  
to continue Ordinance No. 2023-31 to second reading on January 23, 2024.  
Commission discussion continued regarding future land use and zoning designation,  
neighborhood meeting changes, parcel size, employment opportunities, and expanding  
commercial footprint versus additional residential development.  
The motion carried on the following vote with Commissioner McDowell dissenting  
due to land and Comprehensive Plan being rezoned for more residential  
4 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes and Commissioner  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
Recess was taken from 4:06 p.m. to 4:16 p.m.  
An Ordinance of The City of North Port, Florida, Rezoning ± 18.63 Acres  
Located in Section 36, Township 39S, Range 21E of Sarasota County and  
Further Described as Tract “B” Fifty-First Addition to Port Charlotte  
Subdivision and in Instrument No. 2008066012 in the Official Records of  
Classification to Residential Multi-Family District (RMF) Classification;  
Amending the Official Zoning Map; Providing for Findings; Providing for  
Filing of Approved Documents; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Conflicts; and Providing an Effective Date.(QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and requested a  
motion to direct the City Clerk to read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to quasi-judicial proceedings relating to public comments heard  
outside of testimony.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, meeting  
with the developer in September 2022 regarding revised plan, emails sent and received  
from citizens, phone calls with citizen regarding tree markings, the November 2, 2023  
Planning and Zoning Advisory Board Meeting cancellation, and the January 9, 2024  
Regular Commission Meeting, held a Town Hall Meeting with citizens and explained  
development procedures and quasi-judicial procedures.  
Commissioner Langdon disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony and  
emails received from citizens.  
Mayor White disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, meeting with the  
developer in November 2023 regarding revised plan, and conversations with citizens.  
Vice Chair Stokes disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, emails  
received from citizens, and meeting with the developer in November 2023 regarding  
revised plan.  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed public comments heard outside of testimony, meeting  
with the developer in November 2023 regarding revised plan, and unread emails received  
from citizens.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Jeffery Boone, Boone Law Firm, and Michael Belfonti, Belfonti Companies, both being  
duly sworn, provided a presentation including approval process, background, engineering,  
projects completed, property size, future land use designation, site plan, concept video,  
aerial view, compliance with Comprehensive Plan, economic development, staff report,  
recommendations, rezoning, neighborhood meeting changes, and requested approval.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, aerial view, compliance with Comprehensive Plan,  
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), and Florida Statutes, future land use  
designation, staff review and recommendations.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
Ms. Faust read the following public comment cards into the record:  
Gregory Orr: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Edmond Rouleau Jr: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
John Manniov: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Ann Manniov: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Carmen D Molina: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Toni Hooven: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
James Idone: being duly sworn, opposed to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Ms. Faust swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
In person public comment:  
Gabriela Donley: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Susan Orr: being duly sworn, expressed opposition to Ord. No. 2023-32.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding utility requirements,  
environmental impacts, development history, and diversified housing requirements.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Staff provided a closing argument regarding compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and  
ULDC and requested approval.  
The Applicant provided a closing argument regarding compliance with the Comprehensive  
Plan and ULDC and requested approval.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes, to  
continue Ordinance No. 2023-32 to second reading on January 23, 2024. The  
motion carried on the following vote with Commissioner McDowell dissenting due  
rezoning 18 acres for more residential dwelling units in the City and needing to  
increase economic tax base and create more well-paying jobs:  
4 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes and Commissioner  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
A Resolution of The City Commission of The City of North Port, Florida,  
Vacating a Portion of the Rear Maintenance Easement for Lot 8, Block  
1134, 25th Addition to Port Charlotte Subdivision; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Recording; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
and Providing an Effective Date. (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell, Vice Chair Stokes, Commissioner Langdon, Mayor White, and  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Mr. Brown, being duly sworn, noted the applicant is not present and provided  
presentation including overview, applicant, property owner, request, location, review  
process, compliance with Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) and Florida Statutes,  
and recommendations.  
There was no rebuttal by Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no closing argument by Staff.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to adopt Resolution No. 2024-R-02 as presented. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
A Resolution of The City Commission of The City of North Port, Florida,  
Vacating a Portion of the Rear Maintenance Easement for Lot 32, Block  
814, 19th Addition to Port Charlotte Subdivision; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Recording; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
and Providing an Effective Date. (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell, Vice Chair Stokes, Commissioner Langdon, Mayor White, and  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Mr. Brown, being duly sworn, noted the applicant is not present and provided  
presentation including overview, applicant, property owner, request, location, review  
process, compliance with Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) and Florida Statutes,  
site plan, and recommendations.  
There was no rebuttal by Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding reason for vacating  
There was no closing argument by Staff.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to adopt Resolution No. 2024-R-03 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Vacating Progress Court and All Internal Utility and Drainage Easements  
for the Entire Plat, as Identified in Plat Book 44, Page 16, the Panacea  
Commercial Park Phase 1 Subdivision, Less and Except the 10-Foot  
Utility Easement Along Plantation Boulevard; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Recording; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
and Providing an Effective Date. (QUASI-JUDICIAL)  
Mayor White announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor White called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell, Vice Chair Stokes, Commissioner Langdon, Mayor White, and  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, noted the applicant is not present and provided  
presentation including overview, applicant, property owner, request, location, review  
process, Resolution amendments requested, compliance with Unified Land Development  
Code (ULDC) and Florida Statutes, and recommendations.  
There was no rebuttal by Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding Florida Power and Light  
(FPL) and Planning and Zoning Advisory Board (PZAB) approval review.  
There was no closing argument by Staff.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes,  
to adopt Resolution No. 2024-R-06 as presented.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to motion and verbiage recommendations.  
Vice Mayor Stokes withdrew his second.  
The motion was restated by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Mayor  
Stokes, to adopt Resolution No. 2024-R-06 amending section 1 and 2 as articulated  
by Staff and eliminating Exhibit I. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Accepting and Approving an Easement Agreement Granting an Easement  
Located on a Portion of City-Owned Property Running from Kramer  
Boulevard to Sumter Boulevard Along City Center Boulevard; Providing for  
Incorporation of Recitals; Providing for Filing of Documents; Providing for  
Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor White announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding impact on City Center Front  
Green area.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Langdon,  
to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-83 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Authorizing the City Commission to Participate in a Joint Meeting with the  
Sarasota County Commission to Receive, Discuss, and Act upon Matters  
of Mutual Interest; Incorporating Recitals; Providing for Severability; and  
Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor White announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only and introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes, to  
adopt Resolution No. 2024-R-01 as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Amending the Non-District Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for Rental of  
Air Conditioning Units, Generators and Fuel for use at the Morgan Family  
Community Center in the Amount of $165,000; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Posting; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor White announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding air conditioning (AC)  
installation timeline, replacement AC clarity, floor installation timeline, and reopening  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor White closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Vice Mayor Stokes,  
to adopt Resolution No. 2024-R-05 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes  
and Commissioner Langdon  
There was no public comment.  
Commissioner Langdon's Communications  
Commissioner Langdon did not provide a report.  
Commissioner McDowell's Communications  
Commissioner McDowell did not provide a report.  
Commissioner Emrich's Communications  
Commissioner Emrich did not provide a report.  
Vice Mayor Stokes' Communications  
Vice Chair Stokes did not provide a report.  
Mayor White's Communications  
Mayor White did not provide a report.  
Mr. Fletcher did not provide a report.  
Ms. Slayton did not provide a report.  
Ms. Faust did not provide a report.  
Mayor White adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m.  
City of North Port, Florida  
By: _________________________________________  
Alice White, Mayor  
Attest: _________________________________________  
Heather Faust, City Clerk