ORDINANCE - Second Reading:
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Calling for
Referendum Question to be Placed Before the Qualified Voters of the
City of North Port, Florida at a Special Election; Providing a Referendum
Question Determining Whether to Finance the New Police Department
Headquarters Project Through the Issuance by the City of General
Obligation Bonds Payable from the Proceeds of Ad Valorem Taxes
Levied on all Taxable Property within the City in Amounts Sufficient to
Pay Debt Service on Such Bonds; Providing for Findings; Providing for
the Filing of the Ordinance with the Sarasota County Supervisor of
Elections; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and
Providing an Effective Date
Mayor Stokes announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding cost comparison to other
projects, benefit to the city, cost to delay, and relocation of other staff to vacant building.
Public Comment:
Pam Tokarz: Expressed concern with citizen awareness and understanding, support of
the item, and spoke to a Plan B.
Mayor Stokes closed the public hearing and requested a motion.
A motion was made by Commissioner Langdon, seconded by Vice Mayor Emrich,
to adopt Ordinance No. 2025-03 as presented. The motion carried on the
following vote:
5 - Vice Mayor Emrich, Commissioner Duval, Commissioner Petrow, Commissioner
Langdon and Mayor Stokes
An Ordinance of the City Of North Port, Florida, Calling for
Referendum Question to be Placed Before the Qualified Voters of the
City of North Port, Florida at a Special Election; Providing a Referendum
Question Determining Whether to Finance a New Solid Waste Transfer
Station Through the Issuance by the City of Bonds Payable from the
Revenues of the City’s Solid Waste District; Providing for Findings;
Providing for the Filing of the Ordinance with the Sarasota County
Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.
Mayor Stokes announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding benefit to city, cost to city,
and determination of associated fees.
Public Comment: