comments sent with PRE-24-052, are missing from this submittal. See below for a
copy of these previously sent comments. Please resubmit this package and include
the information requested below:
1. Please submit a Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) that contains the following:
i. Proposed Daily Trips generated by the proposed development.
ii. Peak AM Hour Trips generated by the proposed development.
iii. Peak PM Hour Trips generated by the proposed development.
iv. Trip generation rates shall follow the criteria shown in the Institute of
Transportations Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Latest Edition.
v. A graphic distribution of trips from the proposed development to the roadway
vi. Perform
Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP) Publication 745.
vii. Perform right turn lane warrant analysis in compliance with NCHRP
Publication 279.
a left turn lane warrant analysis in compliance with the National
viii. The TIS should be signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed by
the State of Florida and qualified to prepare the TIS.
2. Perform traffic signal warrant analysis for driveway.
recommended to be able to stop traffic for entering/exit ambulances.
traffic signal is
3. Evaluate compacity of Eldron Avenue and its intersection with Sumter (via La
France Ave.) and Salford Boulevard. Eldron Avenue is an east-west roadway that
lays just south of the future hospital site. It is possible that this will take on
additional traffic due to the hospital and additional improvements such as stop
signs, turn lanes, etc. may need to be completed prior to the hospital’s opening.
3. The future detailed design of the stormwater management system must meet all
requirements in the City of North Port Unified Land Development Code (ULDC)
Stormwater Regulations. Detailed stormwater quality treatment calculations and
water quantity attenuation analysis must be provided in the later detailed design
applications. If the later detailed design includes hydraulic modeling that shows
additional pond footprint will be needed, changes may be needed to the DMP for
4. Minimum parking calculations be provided and supported with data for each
phase of development (at the time of MAS or site development).
The motion carried on the following vote:
5 -
Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell, Mayor White, Vice Mayor Stokes
and Commissioner Langdon
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Warm Mineral Springs Park
Phase I Cost Estimates, Review of Insurance Options, and Potential Next
Steps for Phase II Improvements
Mayor White announced the item.
Mr. Fletcher introduced he item.
Ms. Pfundheller provided a presentation including overview, options for renovation, staff
recommendation, insurance coverage, conservation easement, implementation of trail
connector, preliminary discussions, recommended authorization for formal discussions,
current balance of capital improvement project, projected fund balance, and next steps.
John Bryant, SweetSparkman, provided
held, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and floodproofing, building code
considerations, Option 1 and Option 2 overviews and comparisons, insurance
considerations, and cost summary.
a presentation including background, charette