NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
City Commission Regular Meeting  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Alice White, Vice Mayor  
Pete Emrich, Commissioner  
Debbie McDowell, Commissioner  
Phil Stokes, Commissioner  
Jerome Fletcher, City Manager  
Amber L. Slayton, City Attorney  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
Tuesday, September 12, 2023  
10:00 AM  
City Commission Chambers  
Mayor Langdon called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.  
5 -  
Mayor Barbara Langdon, Vice Mayor Alice White, Commissioner Pete Emrich,  
Commissioner Debbie McDowell and Commissioner Philip Stokes  
City Manager Jerome Fletcher, City Attorney Amber Slayton, City Clerk Heather Faust,  
Recording Secretary Matthew Powell, Police Chief Todd Garrison, Fire Chief Scott Titus,  
Development Services Director Alaina Ray, Assistant Development Services Director Lori  
Barnes, Assistant City Manager Jason Yarborough, Assistant City Manager Julie Bellia,  
Public Works Director Chuck Speake, Human Resources Director Christine McDade,  
Human Resource Coordinator Yvonne Gibson, Utilities Director Nancy Gallinaro,  
Accreditation Officer Dawn Shorter, Parks and Recreation Director Sandy Pfundheller,  
Grants Division Manager Valerie Malingowski, Accounting Manager Scott Skipper,  
Recreation Manager Shelby Mendelson, Planner III Carl Benge, and Code Enforcement  
Manager Kevin Raducci  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Clerk Heather Faust.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve the Agenda as presented. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
There was no public comment.  
Current Vacancies and Upcoming Expirations for Advisory Boards and  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read the  
Ms. Faust read the announcements into the record.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and queried the City Manager regarding items pulled  
from the Consent Agenda for discussion.  
Mr. Fletcher noted items pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion.  
Public comment:  
Ms. Faust read the following eComment into the record:  
Donna Nash: expressed concern for spending relating to Item No. 23-1267.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item Nos. 23-1111,  
23-1228, 23-1282, and 23-1331 being pulled for discussion. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Award RFB No. 2022-16 for Janitorial Services to Clean Space, Inc., in the  
Amount of $276,101.54 and Authorize the City Manager to Approve  
Renewals in Accordance With the Terms and Conditions in the Solicitation.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter Into  
a Purchase Order With Wharton-Smith, Inc. for Site Work to Support  
Temporary Buildings at Warm Mineral Springs Park Under Purchase Order  
No. 049821 in an Amount Not to Exceed $75,208.93.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter Into  
a Purchase Order With Halfacre Construction Company for Repairs to the  
Scout House at Dallas White Park Under Purchase Order No. 050009 in  
an Amount Not to Exceed $75,627.60.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager’s Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter  
into a Contract with TSC Jacobs, Inc. to Perform Emergency Restoration to  
Clarifier #1 at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility Under Purchase  
Order 049932 Not to Exceed $20,056.00.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager’s Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter  
into a Contract with Dejonge Excavating Contractors, Inc. to Perform  
Emergency Restoration to the Collection and Distribution System and  
Emergency Hauling Services Under Purchase Order 049729 Not to  
Exceed $1,260.00.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the First Amendment to the Community Development Block Grant  
Subrecipient Agreement Between Sarasota County, Florida and the City of  
North Port, Florida for the Pan American Boulevard Seawall Renovation,  
Extending the Timeline  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Award of Funds From the Special Event Assistance Program  
to People for Trees, Inc. in Support of the Tour de North Port, in an Amount  
up to, and Not to Exceed $500 to Cover the Costs of City Fees and  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Vice Mayor White noted her position as an unpaid Board Member on People for Trees.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve Item No. 23-1111 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote with Vice Mayor White abstaining due to being an unpaid Board  
Member on People for Trees:  
4 -  
Mayor Langdon, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner McDowell and  
Commissioner Stokes  
1 - Vice Mayor White  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding By and Between the Sarasota  
County Sheriff’s Office and the City of North Port, Florida, on Behalf of the  
North Port Police Department Regarding Carrying Firearms and Weapons  
in Court Facilities.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Keith Brown for a Fourth Term as a Trustee to  
the North Port Police Officers' Pension Board of Trustees.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Matthew Koratich as a Regular Member of  
the Zoning Board of Appeals, to Serve a Term From September 12, 2023,  
to September 12, 2026.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection  
Standard Grant Agreement No. HA008 for Repairs to Fixed Weir 123 in  
the Amount of $471,000.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approval of Projects for 2024 State and Federal Legislative Funding  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Interlocal Agreement for Commercial Driver License Training  
Between the Charlotte County Public Schools and the City of North Port,  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding Commercial Driver's License  
(CDL) training versus traditional education relating to current reimbursement policy, policy  
revision and CDL training timeline, new employee requirements relating to CDL training,  
employee role and responsibilities before obtaining CDL, direction requested, and costs.  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to approve Item No. 23-1228 as presented.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding ensuring accuracy of  
reimbursement policy.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Approve the InSite - Florida Intelligence System Agency Agreement to  
Allow Authorized Users to Exchange Criminal Intelligence Information  
Through the Florida Intelligence System at no Cost to the City of North Port,  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Second Amendment to Agreement No. 2021-17 Professional  
Architectural and Engineering Services for City of North Port Police  
Department Facilities to Expand the Scope of Service of Schenkel &  
Shultz, Inc. to Phase II – Schematic Design for the New Police  
Headquarters and an Emergency Operations Center Facility for a Total  
Consultant Fee of $1,198,030.00.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Accept the Cash Receipts Summary Report for July 2023.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Accept the Cash Receipts Summary Report for June 2023.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the CrowdStrike Falcon Complete Limited Warranty Agreement  
for the Provision of Insurance Coverage in the Event of a Security Incident.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the City of North Port 2024 State and Federal Legislative  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding additions to State legislative  
priorities home rule, State versus Federal legislative priorities affordable housing verbiage,  
and City facts versus priorities.  
There was consensus to amend the 2024 North Port State Legislative Priorities  
under Home Rule to state: "Oppose cost shifts, unfunded mandates, or preemptions  
of North Port City Charter authority and support the State Constitution giving local  
government the authority to self-govern."  
There was consensus to amend the 2024 North Port State Legislative Priorities  
under Affordable Housing to remove the word "all" and to state: "Supports  
initiatives and incentives to support affordable housing projects that do not  
preempt commercial land uses."  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to approve Item No. 23-1282 including the two consensuses given today.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Approve the Sole Source Purchase of a New Kohler 1200-amp Automatic  
Transfer Switch (ATS) from Tampa Armature Works Power Systems for a  
Total of $278,300.00.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Updating of the Online Portal and Completion of the Medicare  
Enrollment Application to Reflect Mayor Langdon as the Assigned  
Authorized Official to Allow for North Port Fire Rescue’s Primary Billing  
Company, Digitech, to Submit Claims and Receive Remits on North Port  
Fire Rescue’s behalf.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Agreement for Waiver of Local Match Requirements for Public  
Assistance For Hurricane Ian (SB4A Waiver).  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding State funding allocation and  
benefited parties.  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to approve Item No. 23-1331 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
2023-11 Per  
2020-58-01 With  
Associates, Inc. for Geotechnical Engineering and  
Investigation/Survey Related to Proposed Future Development of Warm  
Mineral Springs Park in the Amount of $250,787.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of David Spisak as an Alternate Member of the  
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, to Serve a Term From September  
12, 2023, to September 12, 2026.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Casey Mcgowan as a Regular Member of the  
Environmental Advisory Board, to Serve a Term From September 12,  
2023, to September 12, 2026, and Approve the Reappointment of Lola  
Robinson for a Second Term as a Student Member of the Environmental  
Advisory Board, to Serve  
September 12, 2024.  
Term From September 12, 2023, to  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the July 10, 2023 Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approval of Minutes for the July 19, 2023 Commission Workshop  
Meeting and the July 19, 2023 Commission Special Meeting  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Presentation by Wade Sansbury of the Annual Comprehensive Financial  
Report for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2022.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Wade Sansbury, Mauldin and Jenkins, spoke to audit overview, financial performance,  
fund balance, pension funds, Federal awards, auditor analysis, and training provided.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding audit timeline, pension funds  
versus Florida Retirement System (FRS), and direction requested.  
There was no public comment.  
Presentation by Barbara Lockhart, President and Founder of the  
Environmental Conservancy of North Port, Inc. on Ideas for Preserving  
North Port's Eco-System  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Barbara Lockhart, Environmental Conservancy of North Port, provided  
a presentation  
including tree plantings, native planting removal, underbrush, wildlife, pollinators, tree fund  
usage, advisory board involvement, native plant growers/rescuers club, sabal palm  
environmental benefits, growth timeline, and collaboration opportunities.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding ecosystem preservation,  
grass versus pollinators, advisory board involvement, Florida-friendly landscaping, palm  
versus tree environmental benefits, and Natural Resource Division role.  
There was no public comment.  
Consideration of Petition No. CIP-23-052, City of North Port Utilities  
Administration and Field Operations Complex Development Master Plan  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
In response to Commission questions, Ms. Slayton spoke to ex-parte communication  
disclosure requirements.  
Commissioner McDowell, Commissioner Stokes, Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White,  
and Commissioner Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Tim Hancock, Stantec, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, site  
selection process, location, operations, aerial view, acreage, wetlands, administration  
building, warehouse, access points, vehicle storage, Activity Center 1, waiver requests,  
and requested approval.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, provided  
a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, zoning, future land use, acreage, general development  
area, aerial view, neighborhood meeting, Development Master Plan (DMP), waiver  
requests, conditions, compliance with Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) and  
Florida Statutes, and recommendations.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding Phase 2 intent and timeline,  
administration building expansion potential, naming timeline, walking trail versus path,  
garden type and details, and native plantings.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve Petition No. CIP-23-052 as presented and find that based on the  
competent substantial evidence, the Development Master Plan complies with the  
Unified Land Development Code.  
motion to amend was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by  
Commissioner Emrich, to include the following waivers and conditions:  
1. A waiver from compliance with the Mediterranean Revival Architectural Style for  
Buildings and accessory structures, to allow for the architectural style shown on the  
attached building elevations (Exhibit F). The building design utilizes a fluted metal  
cladding system and Phenolic panel cladding in earth tones to soften the tiltup  
concrete walls.  
waiver from any required walking/fitness path along the Myakkahatchee  
3. A waiver from the requirement that parking in front of a building is limited to  
one row to allow the parking configuration shown on the DMP plan set (Exhibit E).  
4. A waiver from the design standards related to the light poles for the parking area  
designated for employee and service vehicle parking. Only light poles within the  
customer and visitor parking area on the west side of the administration building  
will be required to comply with the UDSPB standards.  
5. A waiver from ULDC Section 53-106. A. (2) 100 feet Minimum Street Frontage,  
each lot or parcel of land within a Planned Community Development (PCD) District  
proposed for use as nonresidential shall have a minimum frontage of one hundred  
(100) feet on an approved public or private street.  
6. Due to existing native vegetation along the Myakkahatchee Creek, a waiver is  
requested that no buffer be provided along this section of the property for a length  
of 1,464 linear feet as shown on the DMP Plan set (Exhibit E)  
7. A waiver from the requirement that the 8-foot privacy wall located adjacent to  
multi-family on both the north and south side of the project meander every forty  
8. ULDC Sec. 55-6 provides that bicycle and pedestrian amenities shall be provided  
as determined by the square footage of the building(s) on the site. The waiver  
request is only to provide the required number of bike racks calculated on the  
square footage of the Utility Administration Building. Since the warehouse building  
is not accessible by the public, the required bicycle rack and pedestrian  
amenities(s) shall only apply to the administration building. Thus, the requirement  
would be that one bicycle rack be provided in proximity to the Administration  
1. Placement of all trees and landscaping requirements will apply during the site  
development/infrastructure stage.  
2. The Hydrant and Fire Department Connections (FDC) for the project must be  
located not closer than twenty-five feet (25’) and not more than one hundred feet  
(100’) from a fire hydrant and meet the requirements set forth in § 60-8 of the City of  
North Port’s Unified Land Development Code (ULDC).  
3. The construction of the drive aisles located on the southern access easement can  
be included in the major site and development plan for the overall site. Since the  
property owner is not the City of North Port, a joint application with the property  
owner, including  
a signed and notarized affidavit, is required at the time of  
submittal. Sidewalks and street trees will be required when the 5400 Group, LLC  
site is developed, and the southern access easement becomes public access. This  
will be  
a condition of approval on the development order at the time of site  
4. A copy of the recorded stormwater easement or agreement between the City of  
North Port and the WNP property is required at the time of site development.  
5. Environmental conditions apply at the site and development/infrastructure stage  
concerning removing trees, underbrush, and vegetation. If applicable, the  
developer shall follow the current gopher tortoise survey and relocation  
requirements. January 2023 survey found no gopher tortoises onsite. In addition, a  
copy of the approved Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) must be provided prior  
to any construction that impacts the wetland.  
6. The stormwater management system must meet all requirements in the City of  
North Port Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Stormwater Regulations.  
7. DEP permit applications related to water and sewer, water lines, floor plans and  
plumbing risers, and irrigation systems. They will be addressed at the major site  
and development stage.  
The motion to amend carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
The main motion as amended carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Commission discussion continued regarding approval of DMP versus Capital Improvement  
Project (CIP).  
Consideration of Petition No. PLF-23-113, Wellen Park Village E Tract  
505, Re-Plat (QUASI-JUDICIAL).  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell, Commissioner Stokes, Mayor Langdon, and Commissioner  
Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Vice Mayor White disclosed questions with staff.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, noted the applicant is not present, and provided  
presentation including overview, applicant, property owner, request, location, aerial view,  
community garden, stormwater drainage, compliance with Unified Land Development  
Code (ULDC) and Florida Statutes, and recommendations.  
There was no rebuttal by Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no closing argument by Staff.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve the Wellen Park Village E Tract 505 Re-Plat, Petition No. PLF-23-113,  
and find that, based on the competent and substantial evidence, the plat is  
consistent with Florida Statutes Section 177.081, the Unified Land Development  
Code, and the North Port Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
ORDINANCE - First Reading:  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Adopting the Toledo  
Village, Village District Pattern Plan for a ±2,086 Acre Area Located North  
of Interstate 75, East of Toledo Blade Boulevard, West of Orange  
Hammock Wildlife Management Area, and South of the City of North Port  
Municipal Boundary; Amending the Unified Land Development Code,  
Chapter 53, Article XVIII – V Village, Section 53-214 Subsection F to  
Incorporate the Pattern Plan by Reference; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.(QUASI JUDICIAL).  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and requested  
a motion to direct the City Clerk to read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell, Commissioner Stokes, Mayor Langdon, and Commissioner  
Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Vice Mayor White disclosed questions with staff.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Jackson Boone, Boone Law Firm, Alexis Crespo, RVi Planning and Landscape  
Architecture, Christopher Hatton, Kimley-Horn & Associates, and John Barnott, Forestar  
Group, all being duly sworn, provided presentation including overview, acreage,  
wetlands, project team, aerial view, acreage, property overview, 2007 pattern plan,  
proposed pattern plan, district pattern plan, entrance parcel, village park, housing types,  
improvements, consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, recommendations, and  
requested approval.  
Mr. Benge, being duly sworn, provided  
a presentation including overview, applicant,  
property owner, request, location, acreage, history, relevant Ordinances, dwelling units,  
housing types, environmental layout, architectural standards, and compliance with Unified  
Land Development Code (ULDC) and the Comprehensive Plan.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding error relating to Western  
versus Eastern edge, emergency access cul-de-sac accessibility, exclusion of village  
center design standards, previous village district pattern plan approval and expiration  
process, village park property designation, properties abutting Interstate 75, housing  
types, and wetlands versus native wetlands preservation.  
Mr. Benge provided a closing argument regarding clarity for previous village district pattern  
plan approval and expiration process.  
Mr. Barnott provided a closing argument regarding naming of village district.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner Stokes,  
to continue Ordinance No. 2023-19 to second reading on September 26, 2023. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Recess was taken from 12:18 p.m. to 1:18 p.m.  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Regarding Parking and  
Storage of Certain Vehicles on Residential Lots; Amending the Code of  
the City of North Port, Florida, Section 59-1 and Section 59-2; and  
Repealing Section 59-16 of the Code of the City of North Port, Florida;  
Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
Providing for Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding meeting procedure,  
definitions and applicable uses of boat, trailer, bus, residential lot, vehicle light duty,  
vehicle heavy duty, inoperable vehicle, driveway, and improved surface versus City Code  
and Florida Statutes, roadway weight limitations, prohibited parking in public right-of-way,  
unlicensed vehicle limitations and references to inoperable vehicle definition, vehicle light  
versus heavy duty, buffer requirements, wall versus fence permits, right-of-way and swale  
maintenance and repair responsibility, and reporting damages process.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner Stokes,  
to continue Ordinance No. 2023-24 to second reading on September 26, 2023. The  
motion carried on the following vote with Commissioner McDowell dissenting due  
to disagreeing with numerous items included in the Code.  
4 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich and Commissioner  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
An Ordinance of The City of North Port, Florida, Related to Lodging  
Out-of-Doors on Private and City-Owned Property; Creating a New Section  
46-4 of The Code of The City of North Port, Florida; Repealing Chapter 46,  
Article V – Camping, of The Code of The City of North Port, Florida;  
Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding radius limitation, squatting  
prevention, and citation inclusion.  
In response to Commission discussion, Ms. Slayton spoke to legal limitations relating to  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding permit limitations and  
enforcement, trespassing process and options, Code Enforcement and Police  
collaboration process, lodging out-of-doors versus squatting determination process,  
intent, temporary sanitation facility definition, Code Enforcement Officer availability, and  
proposed Unified Land Development Code definition comparisons.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, to continue Ordinance No.  
2023-23 to second reading on October 24, 2023.  
Commission discussion continued regarding second reading timeline.  
The motion was restated by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-23 to second reading on September 26,  
2023. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City Of North Port, Florida, Amending the City of North  
Port Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4, Utilities Element, Policy 1.1.5;  
Adopting the City of North Port 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan;  
Providing for Findings; Providing for Adoption; Providing for Transmittal of  
Documents; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and  
Providing an Effective Date  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding denoting legislative text.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-27 to second reading on September 26,  
Commission discussion continued regarding second reading timeline.  
The motion was restated by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-27 to second reading on a date to be  
determined. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Related to the Operation of  
Mobile Food Vendors at the Warm Mineral Springs Park; Amending the  
Code of the City of North Port, Florida, Section 34-1; Providing for  
Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion carried on  
the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding two versus four designated  
parking spaces and revisiting parking needs as necessary.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner Emrich, to  
continue Ordinance No. 2023-20 to second reading on September 26, 2023. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Recess was taken from 2:44 p.m. to 2:54 p.m.  
Commission discussion continued regarding reordering the Agenda.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to reorder the Agenda to hear Item No. 23-1263 at this time. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Review and Approval of the Art Advisory Board Recommendation for the  
Creation of a Mural at the Community Education Center Building in Support  
of the Senior Center at a Cost Not to Exceed $10,000.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Ms. Mendelson provided an overview and history.  
Laura Pucci, Artist, provided  
mural, costs, and supplies used.  
a presentation including Florida native butterfly garden,  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding mural placement, community  
benefits, comparisons, pressure washing process, and timeline.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Vice Mayor White, to  
approve the Art Advisory Board recommendation for the creation of a mural at the  
Community Education Center building in support of the Senior Center at a cost not  
to exceed $10,000. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
ORDINANCE - Second Reading:  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Code of the  
City of North Port, Florida, Appendix A - City Fee Structure, to Change  
Certain Building, Fire Rescue, Police, Parks and Recreation, Facility  
Rental, Solid Waste, Utilities, and Road And Drainage Fees; Providing for  
Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding missing unauthorized  
connection fee, current fee amount, first reading proposed versus current fee, first reading  
direction provided, and legal review process relating to fee changes.  
In response to Commission discussion, Ms. Slayton spoke to the timeline for amending  
the unauthorized connection fee relating to the approval of Ordinance No. 2023-21.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Vice Mayor White, to  
adopt Ordinance No. 2023-21 as presented.  
Commission discussion continued regarding amendment timeline.  
motion to amend was made by Commissioner McDowell, to change the  
unauthorized connection fee to be $1000 as recommended by staff at first reading.  
In response to Commission discussion, Ms. Slayton spoke to first reading legal review  
Commissioner McDowell withdrew the motion to amend.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Adopting City Commission Policy No. 2023-01 Related to Requiring Prior  
Authorization for Use of the Commission Contingency Account; Providing  
for Incorporation of Recitals; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for  
Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Ms. Jimenez introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding inclusion of all Charter  
Officers and fund transfers to special districts.  
There was consensus to amend “City Manager” to state "Charter Officer”.  
There was consensus to direct the City Clerk to work with the City Attorney and  
Finance to incorporate language in Section III  
districts or any other fund.  
C regarding transfers to special  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-21 including the two consensuses given in  
Policy No. 2023-01 with a copy of the final policy sent to Commission. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Regarding the Reimbursement of Certain Costs Relating to the  
Acquisition, Construction, Rehabilitation, Replacement, and Equipping of  
Certain Capital Improvements for the City’s Price Boulevard Road  
Widening Project; Providing for Incorporation of Recitals; Providing a  
Declaration of Intent; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and  
Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding modifying verbiage indicating  
current versus future expenditures reimbursement.  
In response to Commission discussion, Ms. Slayton spoke to bond counsel consultation  
and legal review process.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding concerns relating to Price  
Boulevard Road Widening Project shortfall due to surtax reimbursement.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner Stokes,  
to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-50 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote with Commissioner McDowell dissenting due to concern of  
ambiguous verbiage surrounding surtax reimbursement causing  
shortfall to the Price Boulevard Road Widening Project.  
4 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich and Commissioner  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Amending the Non-District Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Overtime  
and Operating Costs for the Facilities Maintenance Budget in the Amount  
of $369,000: Providing for Findings; Providing for Posting; Providing for  
Conflicts; Providing for Severability: and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-66 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Discussion and Direction Regarding the Reallocation of Coronavirus State  
and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds From Wellen Park General Government  
Building to Fire Station 81 Renovation.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Ms. Malingowski provided an overview and history.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding Fire Station 81 timeline  
relating to funding and development agreement status and timeline.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to direct staff to remove $2 million allocated to Capital Improvement  
Project No. BD20WD and allocate the $2 million to Fire Station 81 Capital  
Improvement Project No. F17R81. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Temporary Suspension of  
the Historic and Cultural Advisory Board Sunset Provision.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Ms. Faust introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding community benefits, City  
history, encouraging participation, sunset timeline and extension possibility, Historic and  
Cultural Advisory Board goals and direction, and reviewing roles and responsibilities.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner Stokes,  
to direct the City Clerk to draft a Resolution continuing the temporary suspension  
of the Historic and Cultural Advisory Board for one year from the original sunset  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding timeline relating to sunset  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding regular versus workshop  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to direct the City Clerk to create an agenda item for discussion and  
possible action inviting all former advisory board members from the Historic and  
Cultural Advisory Board to the meeting for input and feedback on the current  
duties outlined for this advisory board and discussion on accepting applications at  
a future date.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding former and current members,  
Historic and Cultural Advisory Board inception timeline, accepting applications timeline,  
recruiting, feedback requested, direction and goals, and adjusting term limit.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Recess was taken from 4:16 p.m. to 4:21 p.m.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval of the July 25, 2023  
Commission Regular Meeting Minutes  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve the July 25, 2023 Meeting Minutes as presented.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding inclusion of recommended  
The motion was restated by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve the July 25, 2023 Meeting Minutes as presented with  
recommended changes. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Renaming the Columbus Day  
Holiday to "Indigenous Peoples' Day."  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Vice Mayor White spoke to the item regarding replacing versus adding to existing  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding indigenous population,  
municipality comparisons, terminology usage, Federal versus State recognized holidays,  
proclamation comparisons and possibility, and direction requested.  
Public comment:  
Ms. Faust read the following eComment into the record:  
Bobby Schotte: expressed opposition.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, to add "Indigenous Peoples' Day" in  
addition to "Columbus Day" on the City calendar. The motion failed due to lack of  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon's Communications  
Mayor Langdon reported on important topics and events attended.  
Vice Mayor White's Communications  
Vice Mayor White reported on important topics and events attended.  
Commissioner Emrich's Communications  
Commissioner Emrich did not provide a report.  
Commissioner McDowell's Communications  
Commissioner McDowell reported on important topics and events attended.  
Consensus was requested to receive permission to work with staff to potentially host an  
elected officials workshop relating to Form 6.  
Commissioner Stokes' Communications  
Commissioner Stokes reported on important topics and events attended.  
Mr. Fletcher provided a report regarding employee recognition and status.  
Ms. Slayton did not provide a report.  
Ms. Faust did not provide a report.  
Mayor Langdon adjourned the meeting at 5:06 p.m.  
City of North Port, Florida  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Attest: _________________________________________  
Heather Faust, City Clerk