NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
City Commission Regular Meeting  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Alice White, Vice Mayor  
Pete Emrich, Commissioner  
Debbie McDowell, Commissioner  
Phil Stokes, Commissioner  
Jerome Fletcher, City Manager  
Amber L. Slayton, City Attorney  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
Tuesday, January 24, 2023  
6:00 PM  
City Commission Chambers  
Mayor Langdon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  
5 -  
Mayor Barbara Langdon, Vice Mayor Alice White, Commissioner Pete Emrich,  
Commissioner Debbie McDowell and Commissioner Philip Stokes  
City Manager Jerome Fletcher, City Attorney Amber Slayton, City Clerk Heather Faust,  
Recording Secretary Matthew Powell, Deputy Police Chief Chris Morales, Planner III  
Sherry Willette-Grondin, Planning Manager Lori Barnes, Public Works Director Chuck  
Speake, Planner II Noah Fossick, and Fire Chief Scott Titus  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Joan Morgan.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve the Agenda as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust played a recording of the following voicemail public comment into the record:  
Julie Rodriguez: spoke to waste receptacle requirement.  
Ms. Faust read the following public eComments into the record:  
Kiwanis Club: spoke to sign ordinance.  
Chris Streer: spoke to sign ordinance.  
Jacqui Clarke Naklen: spoke to sign ordinance.  
In person public comments:  
Joan Morgan: spoke to upcoming events and sign ordinance.  
Valdy Olender: spoke to citizen rights.  
Justin Willis: spoke to sign ordinance.  
Jeffrey Scott: spoke to City policies.  
Vanessa Carusone: spoke to sign ordinance.  
Current Vacancies and Upcoming Expirations for Advisory Boards and  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read the  
Ms. Faust read the announcements into the record.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, queried the City Manager regarding items pulled  
from the Consent Agenda, and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner Stokes,  
to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Award RFB No. 2023-03 for Citywide Generator Services to Tampa  
Armature Works, Inc., in the Amount of $105,455.00 and Authorize the City  
Manager to Approve Renewals in Accordance with the Terms and  
Conditions in the Solicitation.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Award of Funds From the Special Event Assistance Program  
to Family Promise of South Sarasota County in Support of the 2nd Annual  
Kenducky Derby to be Held on May 6, 2023, in the Amount of $500 to be  
Applied to the Cost of City Fees and Resources.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement for Construction and  
Use of Soccer Facilities at Glenallen Elementary School Between the  
School Board of Sarasota County and the City of North Port, Florida.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Fifth Amendment to the Master Services and Purchasing  
Agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc.,for the Addition of Drones, Hardware  
and Software with an Additional Cost of $31,615.67 for Fiscal Year 2023.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Addendum to the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO)  
Program State Plan of Operation (SPO) between the State of Florida and  
the City of North Port  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Work Assignment 2023-03 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.,  
in the Amount of $494,980.00, for the Water Reclamation Facility Effluent  
Pipeline Project  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Work Assignment 2023-04 with CHA Consulting, Inc., Formerly  
Reiss Engineering, Inc., in the Amount of $396,969.00, for the Water  
Reclamation Facility Effluent Chamber and Pumping System Expansion  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between Flock Group, Inc.  
and the City of North Port for Data Sharing and Use of the Flock System  
and Approve the Interagency Agreement Between Panama City Beach  
Police Department and the City of North Port for Information Exchange and  
Use Regarding Flock Data for the State of Florida.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of the City Manager’s Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter  
into an Interlocal Agreement For Emergency Debris Management Services  
With Holiday Park and Recreation District  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Consideration of Petition No. PLF-22-198, Arbor Oaks at the Woodlands  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Strickland Smith, Heidt Design, being duly sworn, provided  
recommendations, revisions, and requested approval.  
a presentation including  
Mr. Fossick, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including location, acreage, bond  
details, surveyor recommendation, Planning and Zoning Advisory Board (PZAB) and staff  
recommendations, revisions, and requested approval.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding plat encumbrances  
omission, maintenance responsibility, and revision regarding dedication language.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff.  
Mr. Smith provided a closing argument regarding tract dedication language.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Vice Mayor White,  
to approve Petition No. PLF 22-198 with the below changes and find that, based on  
the competent substantial evidence, the Arbor Oaks at the Woodlands, Final Plat  
complies with the Unified Land Development Code and the Florida Statutes Chapter  
1. Correct Certificate of Ownership and Dedication language from “Florida Limited  
Liability Company” to “Michigan Limited Liability Company”.  
2. Update and individually list plat tracts C1 through C27.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding plat encumbrances omission.  
Petition No. PLF-22-225, Wellen Park Village E, Tract 4 Replat  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
John Luczynski, Senior Vice President Wellen Park, being duly sworn, requested  
Ms. Willette-Grondin, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, West  
Villages Improvement District and surveyor recommendations, bond details, Florida  
Statutes Chapter 177 compliance, Planning and Zoning Advisory Board (PZAB) and staff  
recommendations, and requested approval.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to approve Petition No. PLF 22-225 as presented and find that, based on  
the competent substantial evidence, the Wellen Park Village E, Tract 4 Replat  
complies with the Unified Land Development Code and the Florida Statutes Chapter  
177. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Petition No. PLF-22-227, Wellen Park Downtown Tract 6 & 9, Replat  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
John Luczynski, Senior Vice President Wellen Park, being duly sworn, provided  
presentation including lot divisions, development plans, and requested approval.  
Ms. Willette-Grondin, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, West  
Villages Improvement District and surveyor recommendations, Florida Statutes Chapter  
177 compliance,  
recommendations, and requested approval.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve Petition No. PLF 22-227 as presented and find that, based on the  
competent substantial evidence, the Wellen Park Downtown Tract 6 & 9, Replat  
complies with the Unified Land Development Code and the Florida Statutes Chapter  
177. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Consideration of Petition No. PLF-22-213, Everly at Wellen Park Final Plat  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
John Luczynski, Senior Vice President Wellen Park, being duly sworn, provided  
presentation including location, size, development plans, and requested approval.  
Mr. Fossick, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including location, bond details,  
Everly at Wellen Park Master Homeowners Association and surveyor recommendations,  
Planning and Zoning Advisory Board (PZAB) and staff recommendations, and requested  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve Petition No. PLF 22-213 as presented and find that, based on the  
competent substantial evidence, Everly at Wellen Park, Final Plat complies with the  
Unified Land Development Code and the Florida Statues Chapter 177. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Consideration of Petition No. PLF-22-217, Lakespur at Wellen Park Final  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
John Luczynski, Senior Vice President Wellen Park, being duly sworn, provided  
presentation including location, size, development plans, and requested approval.  
Mr. Fossick, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including location, size, bond  
details, Lakespur at Wellen Park Master Homeowners Association and West Villages  
Improvement District recommendations, surveyor, Planning and Zoning Advisory Board  
(PZAB) and staff recommendations, and requested approval.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve Petition No. PLF 22-217 as presented and find that, based on the  
competent substantial evidence, Lakespur at Wellen Park, Final Plat complies with  
the Unified Land Development Code and the Florida Statues Chapter 177. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
ORDINANCE - First Reading  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Repealing and Replacing  
Chapter 4, Article I of the Code of the City of North Port, Florida, Relating to  
Advisory Boards and Committees; Providing for Findings; Providing for  
Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for Codification; and  
Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding Sunshine Law training, rules  
of decorum policy timeline, conflict of interest, policy versus Code of the City, certificates  
of appreciation, Advisory Board Member absences, Advisory Board Chair unilateral  
Commissioner attendance for Advisory Board meetings, public comments, meeting  
requirements in regards to Sunshine Law, policy regarding requests of Commission,  
Advisory Board handbook, Liaison training and policy, and annual report.  
Consensus was requested to remove the second sentence in Section 4.4(a)(3) stating  
“The chairperson is also authorized to call or schedule a special meeting or workshop  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell to remove the second sentence in  
Section 4.4(a)(3) stating “The chairperson is also authorized to call or schedule a  
special meeting or workshop unilaterally.”. The motion failed due to lack of  
There was consensus to amend Section 4.3(e) a. and b. to state “a. The board  
member has three absences from regular meetings within a 12-month period.”  
There was consensus to remove section 4.4(e)2.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding Advisory Board Chair  
unilateral powers.  
There was no public comment.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-07 to second reading on February 14, 2023,  
with the two consensus’ given. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Recess was taken from 7:39 p.m. to 7:55 p.m.  
Without objection, Mayor Langdon reordered the agenda to hear Ordinance No.  
2023-06 at this time.  
ORDINANCE - Second Reading  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Unified Land  
Development Code Section 55-19 Regarding Heron Creek Activity Center  
#2; Amending the Pattern Book for the Development of Towne Center;  
Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
There were no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Jeffery Boone, Boone Law Firm, being duly sworn, requested approval.  
Mr. Fossick, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including signal at White Ibis and  
Sumter, staff recommendation, and requested approval.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding drinking fountain requirement  
and grammar error.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-06 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the City of the  
City of North Port Comprehensive Plan; Adopting a New Chapter 13,  
Coastal Management Element, Including Goals, Objectives, and Policies,  
and Adopting a Coastal Management Map Series; Amending Chapter 5,  
Conservation and Coastal Zone Management Element and Adopting a  
Conservation Map Series; Amending the Table of Contents; Amending  
Chapter 2, Future Land Use Element, Amending Chapter 4, Utilities  
Element; Amending 9, Public School Facilities Element; Repealing  
Conservation and Coastal Zone Management Maps 5-1 through 5-17;  
Providing for Findings; Providing for Adoption; Providing for Transmittal of  
Documents; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and  
Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to approve Ordinance No. 2022-31 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Adopting the FY 2022 - FY  
2026 Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements of the Capital  
Improvements Element of the North Port Comprehensive Plan; Providing  
for Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and  
Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve Ordinance No. 2023-01 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Unified Land  
Development Code Regarding Unified Control Requirements and Related  
Definitions by Amending Sections  
37-6, 37-7, 53-117, 53-205, 53-220,  
53-240, 54-3, and 61-3; Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts;  
Providing for Severability; Providing for Codification; and Providing an  
Effective Date  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding removing duplex definition  
versus multifamily or villa definitions, Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) rewrite,  
removing Planned Community Development(PCD) definition, Planned Unit Development  
There was consensus to leave the definition of duplex in until Unified Land  
Development Code (ULDC) rewrite.  
There was consensus to leave the definition of Planned Community Development  
(PCD) in until ULDC rewrite.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding unified control.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-02 as amended by the two consensuses’  
given. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Adopting City Commission Policy  
No. 2023-01 Related to the Inventory, Disposal, and Acquisition of Real  
Property; Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts, Providing for  
Severability; and Providing an Effective Date  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding redundancy of proceeds of  
There was consensus to remove “In the absence of direction, the sale proceeds will  
be allocated to the City’s General Fund or to the applicable special district or  
enterprise fund, based on the governmental entity selling the property.” from  
Section II, C 3.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding responsibility of costs.  
There was consensus to add language to Section 3, Land Exchange Program to  
state “The city will not be responsible for any costs associated with the  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding independent written appraisal  
requirement, costs, process to determine property value, and recommended language  
Consensus was requested to direct staff to present language incorporating in house  
analysis on property value under $100,000 at third reading.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding requiring appraisals, donated  
parcels, cost of appraisal versus cost of property, numeric threshold, and Real Estate  
Coordinator recommendation.  
There was consensus to modify Subsection E 1. to identify the dollar amount for  
when an independent written appraisal is not required and when an informal in  
house analysis will be used to determine property value.  
Public comment:  
Justin Willis: spoke to cost responsibilities and property appraisal process.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-03 to third reading with the three  
consensuses’ given. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Amending the Non-District Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Costs  
Related to Hurricane Ian and Vehicle and Drone Requests From the Police  
Department in the Amount of $3,560,528; Providing for Findings; Providing  
for Conflicts; Providing for Severability: and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding SS (Storm Salary) employee  
compensation, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), budget amendment,  
and Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and Florida Retirement System (FRS)  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-05 as amended to remove category SM  
(Storm with Pay) and SR (Storm Regular Work Hours), and adjusting FICA and FRS  
costs accordingly. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Presentation of a Key to  
the City to Fred Tower III (Posthumously) at the City Commission Regular  
Meeting on February 2, 2023, Requested by Mayor Barbara Langdon  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon passed gavel to Vice Mayor White.  
motion was made by Mayor Langdon, seconded by Commissioner Emrich, to  
approve the presentation of a Key to the City to Fred Tower, posthumously, at the  
February 2, 2023, City Commission Meeting. The motion carried on the following  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Approve the November 22, 2022 Commission Regular Meeting Minutes  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Faust introduced the item.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to approve the November 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes as presented. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Justin Willis: spoke to sign ordinance.  
Commissioner Emrich reported on events attended.  
Vice Mayor White reported on important topics and events attended.  
Commissioner Stokes reported on events attended.  
Commissioner McDowell reported on important topics and events attended.  
Mayor Langdon reported on important topics and events attended.  
City Manager Report  
Mr. Fletcher spoke to pop up events, Family Service Center, and clothing closet.  
City Attorney's Monthly Report  
Ms. Slayton spoke to Teen Court.  
City Clerk Report  
Ms. Faust did not have a report.  
Mayor Langdon adjourned the meeting at 9:52 p.m.  
City of North Port, Florida  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Attest: _________________________________________  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
These minutes were approved on the ____ day of _______________, 2023.