NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
City Commission Regular Meeting  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Alice White, Vice Mayor  
Pete Emrich, Commissioner  
Debbie McDowell, Commissioner  
Phil Stokes, Commissioner  
Jerome Fletcher, City Manager  
Amber L. Slayton, City Attorney  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
Tuesday, April 25, 2023  
6:00 PM  
City Commission Chambers  
Mayor Langdon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  
5 - Mayor Barbara Langdon, Vice Mayor Alice White, Commissioner Pete Emrich,  
Commissioner Debbie McDowell and Commissioner Philip Stokes  
City Manager Jerome Fletcher, City Attorney Amber Slayton, City Clerk Heather Faust,  
Recording Secretary Matthew Powell, Deputy Police Chief Chris Morales, Acting Fire  
Chief Nick Herlihy, Stormwater Manager Elizabeth Wong, Neighborhood Development  
Services Director Alaina Ray, Planner III Sherry Willette-Grondin, and Public Works  
Director Chuck Speake  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sarasota County Commissioner Ron Cutsinger.  
Mayor Langdon noted a request to move Item No. 23-0715 before the Consent Agenda  
and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner Stokes, to  
approve the Agenda moving Item No. 23-0715 before the Consent Agenda.  
Commission discussion took place regarding moving all presentations before the  
Consent Agenda.  
motion to amend was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Vice  
Mayor White, to move Item Nos. 23-0708 and 23-0728 before the Consent Agenda.  
The motion to amend carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
The main motion as amended carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the following public eComments into the record:  
Mitch Miller: expressed support for City grant.  
Scott Greenblatt: spoke to City welfare and personal events.  
Chadwick VonBeattie: expressed support for open container policy.  
Adam Dipurpenha: spoke to python removal service.  
City Employee: expressed concern regarding interactions with City Manager.  
Bill Ding: expressed support for artificial intelligence regarding legal review process.  
Amanda Hugenkess: expressed support for Assistant City Manager.  
David Fialkow: expressed support for Mayor.  
Big Ron: expressed opposition to policies causing high crime and inflation.  
Willie Fistergash: expressed opposition to mandatory vaccinations.  
Hugh Jazzoll: expressed support for vacancies.  
Adam Penna: expressed support for payments regarding 911 responses.  
Harold Foreman: spoke to identity.  
Dan Muson: expressed opposition to an unknown topic.  
George Tzuname: provided insight to thoughts.  
Rich Mart: expressed support for the First Amendment.  
Michael Burger: expressed opposition to an unknown topic.  
Pia Zinlove: spoke to dwelling.  
In person public comment:  
Robin San Vicente: expressed concern for City policy and actions related to Warm  
Mineral Springs (WMS).  
Commission requested City Manager to contact Ms. San Vicente regarding the survey  
Stephanie Gibson: expressed concern for City policy and actions and expressed  
support for amending City Good Governance Pillar.  
Valdy Olender: expressed concern for City policy and actions.  
Jeffrey Scott: expressed concern for City policy and actions.  
Bill Goetz: expressed opposition to development of WMS.  
Current Vacancies and Upcoming Expirations for Advisory Boards and  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read the  
Ms. Faust read the announcements into the record.  
Sarasota County Commissioner Ron Cutsinger Update to the North Port  
City Commission.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Ron Cutsinger, Sarasota County Commission, provided  
presentation including  
posthumously honoring Commissioner Nancy Detert, Deer Prairie Creek Preserve  
photographs, bridge construction timeline, amenities and improvements, Gene  
Matthews Boys and Girls Club funding and plans, Warm Mineral Springs area Sidewalk  
Project, collaborations, meeting schedules, and provided his contact information.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Presentation of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Annual Report  
for 2022 and Review of Future Goals.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Nicole Everett and Mark Murphy, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Members,  
provided a presentation including vision, mission, projects and initiatives, events and  
activities, and fiscal year (FY) 2022 and 2023 goals and considerations.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding smoke-free parks initiatives  
and Adopt-a-Park program.  
There was no public comment.  
FEMA Direct Temporary Housing Presentation  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commissioner McDowell provided additional backup materials.  
Linda Bookout, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), provided  
presentation including parties effected by Hurricane Ian, housing assistance needs and  
options, individual assistance sequence of delivery, City limitations regarding temporary  
housing, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, assistance program  
requirements and timeline, contractor involvement, types of assistance offered,  
maximum grant amount, family sizes and needs, Sarasota County statistics regarding  
housing needs, housing unit types, and temporary exception request.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding housing unit statistics,  
County versus City statistics, alternative options, and housing unit placement location.  
In response to Commission question, Ms. Slayton spoke to proper notice for  
Commission action.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding septic and sewer  
connections, requesting City statistics, verbiage related to government versus private  
approved housing options, housing unit safety, alternative locations, timeline and  
requirements for potential accommodations, coordination efforts, and differences  
between housing types regarding mobile, trailer and modular units.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Mayor Langdon, to  
direct the City Manager to create an agenda item for the month of May, with  
suggestions for amending City Code to accommodate Federal Emergency  
Management Agency housing options that can be used to accommodate the  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding specificity of options.  
Mr. Fletcher spoke to discussions with FEMA regarding City Code limitations for  
housing assistance.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding Commission action without  
prior notice and adding as a future agenda item.  
Mayor Langdon withdrew her second.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding directing the City Manager  
versus Commission action, motion versus consensus, and previous Commission action  
during presentation items.  
Ms. Slayton noted no legal concern regarding directing the City Manager to provide  
information to Commission or to conduct research and advised Commission to avoid  
discussions regarding a specific course of action due to lack of prior notice.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding prior notice and possible  
direction with the staff summary.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, to direct the City Manager to  
create an agenda item with suggestions to amend the Unified Land Development  
Code which  
housing options for City citizens. The motion failed due to lack of a second.  
Commission questions and discussion continued regarding Commission action related  
to City Code amendment suggestions, assisting citizens expeditiously, Commission  
discussion limitations after creating an agenda item, possibility of staff creating an  
agenda item, and previous Commission action during presentation items.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, queried the City Manager regarding items pulled  
from the Consent Agenda for discussion, and requested a motion.  
Mr. Fletcher noted items pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion.  
Public comment:  
Ms. Faust read the following public eComments into the record:  
Edward Holtzman: expressed support for Item No. 23-0671 with comment partially  
omitted due to violation of Policy No. 2021-03. No Commissioner objected.  
Ken Gold: expressed support for Item No. 23-0671 with comment partially omitted due  
to violation of Policy No. 2021-03. No Commissioner objected.  
Amy Rosenbush: comment omitted regarding Item No. 23-0699 due to violation of  
Policy No. 2021-03. No Commissioner objected.  
Edward Holtzman: expressed opposition to Item No. 23-0546.  
Judy Booty: expressed support for Item No. 23-0671.  
Chris Rix: expressed concern for Item No. 23-0667.  
Chat GPT: spoke to alternatives regarding Item No. 23-0655.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Vice Mayor White,  
to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item No. 23-0586 being  
pulled for discussion. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Approve the Application to the Staffing for Adequate Fire and  
Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant in the Amount of $3,574,740.96  
for 12 Firemedics and Authorize the City Manager or the Mayor, as  
Applicable Under the City Charter, to Execute all Funding Documents  
After Legal Review, Should the Grant be Awarded to the City.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Visionary Integration Professionals Acceptance Agreement with  
the City of North Port, Florida with Incorporated Attachments, for the  
Neighborhood Development Services, Building Division, in the Amount  
of $2,775,894, Plus Contingency in the Amount of $277,590 for a Total  
Project Cost of $3,053,484.  
Mayor Langdon introduced the item.  
Commissioner McDowell spoke to the item regarding project manager commitment to  
the project.  
Ms. Ray confirmed the designated project manager is committed full time to the project.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
Public comment:  
Ms. Faust read the following public eComments into the record:  
Chat GPT: spoke to artificial intelligence software.  
Jesus Quintana: expressed apathy.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Vice Mayor White,  
to approve Item No. 23-0586 as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Approve the National Emergency Dislocated Worker Grant Worksite  
Agreement with Suncoast Workforce Board, Inc. dba CareerSource  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Professional Architectural and Engineering Services for City of North  
Port Police Department Facilities Extending the Scheduled  
2021-17 for  
Programming Phase, in the Amount of $22,390.00, for a Total Contract  
Price of $257,800.00.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Contract No. 2023-07 Construction Manager at Risk Contract  
Preconstruction Services Contract, Phase 1 with Wharton Smith, Inc. in  
the Amount of $42,340.09, for Design Support, Coordination, Project  
Scheduling, Design and Equipment Evaluation and Recommendations,  
and a Guaranteed Maximum Price for Project F17R81 Fire Station 81  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Jessica A. Eik and Paul A. Jackomin as  
Members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to Serve a  
Three-Year Term From April 25, 2023, to April 25, 2026.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Interlocal Agreement by and Between Sarasota County  
Sheriff’s Office and City of North Port, Florida, New College of Florida  
Campus Police Department, and Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority  
regarding Primary Public Safety Answering Point, Which Outlines the  
Direct Communication for Immediate and Undelayed Law Enforcement  
Response During Active and Imminent Treats to Life.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Interagency User Agreement by and Between the Sarasota  
County Sheriff’s Office and the City of North Port, Florida on Behalf of  
the North Port Police Department for Criminal Justice Information  
Exchange and Use (FCIC/NCIC) During a System Failure or Center  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the City of North Port’s Participation in the Countywide Climate  
Pollution Reduction Grant Program and Submit Letter of Partnership  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approval of Minutes for the March 6, 2023 Commission Workshop  
Meeting, March 7, 2023 Commission Workshop Meeting, March 8, 2023  
2023 Commission  
Workshop Meeting, and March 30, 2023 Commission Regular Meeting  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Member, Celeste  
Jameson, to Serve as the City of North Port Representative on the  
Sarasota Parks Advisory Council.  
This item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
ORDINANCE - Second Reading:  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Unified  
Land Development Code, Section 53-214 Village D District Pattern Plan  
(West Villages) to Reference Wellen Park; Amending Section 3.13.9  
Minimum Parking Standards to Provide for an Administrative Adjustment  
to the Parking Requirements; Amending Section 3.13.9.B to Provide for  
Parking Standards Not Otherwise Specified; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Adoption; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called  
on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell, Commissioner Stokes, Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White,  
and Commissioner Emrich disclosed no ex-parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Monet Moore, Kimley-Horn, being duly sworn, provided  
overview, project background, text amendments, benefits,  
recommendations, and requested approval.  
presentation including  
minor revisions,  
Ms. Willette-Grondin, being duly sworn, provided  
a presentation including overview,  
amendments, first reading revisions, and language revisions.  
There were no rebuttals by the Applicant or Staff.  
There was no public comment.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There were no closing arguments by Staff or the Applicant.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-04 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Repealing Criteria  
Relating to the Playful City USA Program from the Parks and Recreation  
Advisory Board Powers and Duties; Amending the Code of the City of  
North Port, Florida, Section 4-162, Regarding Powers and Duties of the  
North Port Parks and Recreational Advisory Board; Providing for  
Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner Emrich, to  
adopt Ordinance No. 2023-10 as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Recess was taken from 7:46 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Relating to the Citizen  
Amending the Code of the City of North Port, Florida, Chapter 4 –  
Boards and Committees to Create Article V - Citizen Tax Oversight  
Committee; Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for  
Severability; Providing for Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner Emrich, to  
adopt Ordinance No. 2023-11 as presented. The motion carried on the following  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Reducing and  
Eliminating Certain Fees Related to Warm Mineral Springs Park;  
Amending the Code of the City of North Port, Florida, Appendix A,  
Parks and Recreation Fees; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner Stokes, to  
adopt Ordinance No. 2023-16 as presented.  
Commission discussion took place regarding as presented at first reading versus  
second reading related to fee changes.  
Commissioner Stokes withdrew his second.  
The motion was restated by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-16 as presented at the second reading. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
ORDINANCE - First Reading:  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Code of  
the City of North Port, Florida, Related to Alternative Pickup Locations  
for the Collection of Solid Waste from Residential Properties; Amending  
the Code of the City of North Port, Florida, Section 62-50; Providing For  
Findings; Providing For Conflicts; Providing For Severability; Providing  
For Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding "may" verbiage on line 11,  
alternative options to obtain service without form submittal, and error on form regarding  
"above" versus "below" address.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to recommended verbiage.  
There was consensus to change the word "may" in line 11 to "must".  
Commission discussion continued regarding staff fixing the form error without needing a  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-09 to second reading on May 9, 2023 with  
the consensus given for line 11. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Code of  
the City of North Port, Florida, Section 22-55 and 22-65 Relating to  
Extending the Time Period When Use of Fertilizer is Restricted and  
Eliminating the Vehicle Decal Requirement; Providing for Findings;  
Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; Providing for  
Codification; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and requested a motion to direct the City Clerk to  
read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding community awareness  
educational efforts and preparation, Hurricane Ian rainfall, and informing homeowners  
associations (HOA).  
Ms. Wong spoke to public notice efforts, preparations, and noted she will contact  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to continue Ordinance No. 2023-14 to second reading on May 9, 2023.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida,  
Approving a Template for Temporary Construction Easement for Price  
Boulevard Widening in the City of North Port, Florida; Accepting All  
Easements Using the Approved Template; Providing for Incorporation of  
Recitals; Providing for Recording; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for  
Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Ms. Slayton spoke to recommended verbiage regarding a potential motion.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding single versus multiple  
template requirement related to multiple property owners, template changes timeline  
related to property owners completing updated version, and missing Exhibit  
Mr. Speake noted property owners are in the process of re-signing the new template.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-22 with the below revisions:  
1. Section 2.01 to include “for Price Boulevard widening for the parcels identified  
in Section 2.02”; and  
2. Section 2.02 to include “Price Boulevard widening” and that “The template  
provides a form for the parcel owners to grant the temporary easements to the  
City”; and  
3. Section 3.01 to include “for Price Boulevard widening”; and  
4. Section 4.02 to include recording “with the Sarasota County Clerk of Circuit  
Court to be duly recorded in the official records of the county”; and  
5. Template for Temporary Construction Easement to include “(Form approved  
by the City Commission via Resolution No. 2023-R-22 on April 25, 2023.)”  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval of the March 14,  
2023 Commission Regular Meeting Minutes  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Faust introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve the March 14, 2023 Commission Regular Meeting Minutes with  
the recommended changes. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
There was no public comment.  
Commissioner McDowell's Communications  
Commissioner McDowell did not provide a report.  
Commissioner Stokes' Communications  
Commissioner Stokes reported on important topics and events attended.  
Mayor Langdon's Communications  
Mayor Langdon reported on important topics and events attended.  
Vice Mayor White's Communications  
Vice Mayor White reported on important topics and events attended.  
Commissioner Emrich's Communications  
Commissioner Emrich reported on important topics and events attended.  
City Manager Report  
Mr. Fletcher did not provide a report.  
City Attorney's Monthly Report  
Ms. Slayton expressed gratitude to Mr. Golen for providing coverage in her absence.  
City Clerk Report  
Ms. Faust did not provide a report.  
Mayor Langdon adjourned the meeting at 8:33 p.m.  
City of North Port, Florida  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Attest: _________________________________________  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
These minutes were approved on the ____ day of _______________, 2023.