NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
City Commission Regular Meeting  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Alice White, Vice Mayor  
Pete Emrich, Commissioner  
Debbie McDowell, Commissioner  
Phil Stokes, Commissioner  
Jerome Fletcher, City Manager  
Amber L. Slayton, City Attorney  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
Tuesday, January 10, 2023  
10:00 AM  
City Commission Chambers  
Mayor Langdon called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  
5 -  
Mayor Barbara Langdon, Vice Mayor Alice White, Commissioner Pete Emrich,  
Commissioner Debbie McDowell and Commissioner Philip Stokes  
City Manager Jerome Fletcher, Deputy City Attorney Michael Golen, City Clerk Heather  
Faust, Recording Secretary Matthew Powell, Police Captain Scott King, Fire Chief Scott  
Titus, Assistant Utilities Director Jennifer Desrosiers, Interim Economic Development  
Manager Vinnie Mascarenhas, Engineer II Anthony Friedman, Planner III Carl Benge,  
Planning Manager Lori Barnes, and Planner II Noah Fossick.  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Pete Emrich.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion to approve the Agenda.  
motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to approve the Agenda as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Joan Morgan: Spoke to seawall insurance.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, queried the City Manager regarding items pulled  
from the Consent Agenda for discussion, and requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Emrich, to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item No. 22-3820  
being pulled for discussion. The motion carried on the following vote:  
Approve the Software License and Services Agreement Between Iris Tech,  
Inc., and the City of North Port for SaaS Services.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Application to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Project  
Lifesaver International Grant in the Amount of $6,000 for Additional  
Program Equipment and Supplies and Authorize the City Manager or the  
Mayor, as Applicable Under the City Charter, to Execute all Funding  
Documents After Legal Review, Should the Grant be Awarded to the City.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Interconnects and Potable  
Water Service with Sarasota County.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Commissioner McDowell spoke to item including water supply charge.  
Ms. Desrosiers spoke to discussion with Sarasota County staff regarding rate language,  
current agreement, grant funding, and emergency rate.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding West Villages water plant  
timeline, standard rate versus emergency rate, use of Peace Rivers' rate, grant timeline,  
and North Port Boulevard water plant interconnection with Wellen Park water plant.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Emrich, to approve  
Item No. 22-3820 as presented. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Approve the Community Development Block Grant Sub-Recipient  
Agreement between Sarasota County, Florida and the City of North Port,  
Florida for North Port Social Service Case Management to Fund Staff  
Salaries for the Social Services Division, in the Amount of $55,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Agreement between Sarasota County, Florida and the City of North Port,  
Florida for Story Walk at the Garden of the Five Senses Park, in the  
Amount of $20,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Agreement between Sarasota County, Florida, and the City of North Port,  
Florida, for Greenwood Avenue Sidewalk Construction.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Federally Funded Subaward and Grant Agreement With the  
Florida Division of Emergency Management for Tropical Storm Elsa  
Expenses and Authorize the Mayor to Execute all Subsequent  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Frank Baer as a Regular Member of the  
Planning and Zoning Advisory Board, to Serve a Four-Year Term From  
January 10, 2023, to January 10, 2027.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Mark A. Frandsen as the Regular Member of  
the Charter Review Advisory Board, to Serve a Two-Year Term from  
January 10, 2023, to January 10, 2025.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of North Port, Florida,  
and the School Board of Sarasota County, Florida, for Law Enforcement  
Dispatch Services and Related Communications Services.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Appointment of Jeanne Osborn as the Tourism, Entertainment  
and Sports Representative on the Community Economic Development  
Advisory Board, to Serve a Two-Year Term From January 10, 2023, to  
January 10, 2025.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Authorize City Manager to Submit the Price Boulevard Waterway  
Myakkahatchee Bridge Hardening Improvements Project and the Fixed  
Weir 123 Project for Consideration in the Fiscal Year 2024 State of Florida  
Appropriations Request  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve the Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding Between Catholic  
Charities Diocese of Venice, Inc. and City of North Port, Florida, for the  
Collaboration of Social Service Programs within the City of North Port.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Accept the Cash Receipts Summary Report for November 2022.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approval of Minutes for the December 5, 2022 Commission Workshop  
Meeting, December 8, 2022 Commission Special Meeting, and December  
13, 2022 Commission Regular Meeting  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Approve Contract No. 2023-08 - Sumter Boulevard Utility Extensions with  
Spectrum Underground, Inc. in the Amount of $3,346,632.35, With a  
Contingency of $501,995.00, for a Total Amount of $3,848,627.35.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter Into  
a Contract With Kustom US Inc. for Mitigation and Temporary Roof Work at  
the Fleet Garage Under Purchase Order No. 049709 in an Amount Not to  
Exceed $75,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter Into  
a Contract With Kustom US Inc. for Mitigation Work at the Morgan Family  
Community Center Under Purchase Order No. 049536 in an Amount Not to  
Exceed $195,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter into  
a Contract with Kustom US Inc. for Mitigation and Temporary Roof Work at  
North Port City Hall Under Purchase Order No. 049534 in an Amount Not to  
Exceed $200,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter into  
a Contract with Kustom US Inc. for Mitigation Work at Fire Station 81  
Under Purchase Order No.049538 in an Amount Not to Exceed $200,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratification of City Manager's Use of Emergency Authorization to Enter Into  
Contract With Kustom US Inc. for Mitigation and Temporary Roof Work at  
the North Port Police Station Under Purchase Order No. 049537 in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $200,000.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Ratify Emergency Order No. 2022-19 Related to the Temporary Eligibility  
for a Prorated Refund or Extension of Multiday and Annual Admission  
Passes for Warm Mineral Springs Park.  
This Item was approved on the Consent Agenda.  
Presentation of the Community Economic Development Advisory Board  
Annual Report for 2022  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Fletcher introduced the item.  
Ms. Mascarenhas introduced Board Member Sean Burroughs who provided  
presentation including members and representation in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, and FY  
2021 accomplishments.  
There was no public comment.  
ORDINANCE - First Reading:  
An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Amending the Unified Land  
Development Code Section 55-19 Regarding Heron Creek Activity Center  
#2; Amending the Pattern Book for the Development of Towne Center;  
Providing for Findings; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability;  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and requested  
a motion to direct the City Clerk to read by title only.  
motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner  
McDowell, to direct the City Clerk to read the Ordinance by title only. The motion  
carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
Ms. Faust read the Ordinance by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed  
January 3, 2023, one on one with the  
Commissioner Stokes disclosed a one on one with the developer/representative.  
Mayor Langdon disclosed a one on one with the developer/representative, follow-up with  
Jeffrey Boone, and discussion with staff during one on one.  
Vice Mayor White disclosed a one on one with the developer/representative.  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed a one on one with the developer/representative.  
There were no aggrieved parties.  
Jeffrey Boone, Boone Law Firm, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including  
property location, amendments in staff report, Pattern Book Plan changes including  
rerouting of Main Street, Front Place extension, commercial general use outparcels,  
multi-modal path, sidewalk width, and Homeowner’s Association (HOA).  
Mr. Fossick, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including acreage, requested  
amendments, location, staff analysis, public notice, Planning and Zoning Advisory Board  
(PZAB) recommendation, and staff recommendation.  
Mr. Boone did not have a rebuttal.  
Mr. Fossick did not have a rebuttal.  
There was no public comment.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding signalized intersection at  
White Ibis Drive and Sumter Boulevard, traffic impact studies, drinking fountain  
requirement, multi-modal trail width, typographical error on page 31, water bottle station,  
waterway buffer requirements, and minimum buffer and setback requirements.  
Mr. Fossick stated he would obtain requested information regarding White Ibis and  
Sumter signalized intersection for second reading.  
Mr. Boone requested continuation to second reading.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Emrich, seconded by Commissioner Stokes,  
to continue Ordinance No. 2023-06 to second reading on January 24, 2023. The  
motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
A Resolution of the City of North Port, Florida, Authorizing the City  
Commission to Participate in a Joint Meeting with the Sarasota County  
Commission to Discuss and Plan Matters of Mutual Interest; Incorporating  
Recitals; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and called on the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only and introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Stokes, seconded by Commissioner Emrich,  
to adopt Resolution No. 2023-R-07 as presented. The motion carried on the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida;  
Granting a Special Exception to Allow a Multi-Family Residential Use  
Located Generally at the Southeast Corner of South Sumter Boulevard and  
Pocatella Avenue North of McKibben Drive in the Office, Professional,  
Institutional (OPI) Zoning District Pursuant to the City of North Port Unified  
Land Development Code Sections 53-92 and 53-259; Providing for  
Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Resolution by title only and swore in those wishing to provide  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed August 8, 2022, meeting with citizen, phone  
conversations with citizens, emails received/responded to and forwarded to the City  
Commissioner Stokes disclosed conversations with citizens and applicant.  
Mayor Langdon disclosed phone conversation with citizen.  
Vice Mayor White disclosed phone conversations with citizens.  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed emails.  
Ms. Faust noted aggrieved parties James Murphy and Gary Thalman.  
Jeffrey Boone, Boone Law Firm, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including  
acreage, location, Development Master Plan (DMP), staff and Planning and Zoning  
Advisory Board (PZAB) recommendations, consistency with Comprehensive Plan with  
emphasis on individual policy compliance, findings of fact, staff recommendation, PZAB  
recommendation, signed petitions entered into the record, and request for approval.  
Ms. Barnes, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including overview, staff review,  
Comprehensive Plan and Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) compliance, future land  
use, transportation requirements, housing, economic development element, special  
exception findings, public hearing notice, legal review, and staff recommendation.  
James Murphy, aggrieved party, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including  
density, infrastructure, economic concerns, Hurricane Ian impact, flooding, property  
zoning, economic development, community workforce, low multi-family rates, subsidies,  
and protecting the City.  
Gary Thalman, aggrieved party, being duly sworn, provided  
infringement on quality of life, Sabal Trace Alliance, corridor density, community  
character, Office, Professional, Industrial (OPI) zoning, job growth, flooding,  
a presentation including  
Comprehensive Plan regarding economic element and neighborhoods, Hurricane Ian  
impact, flood risks, traffic, housing element, managing multi-family properties, and  
floodplain requirements.  
Peter Van Buskirk, Kimley-Horn, being duly sworn, provided a rebuttal regarding open  
space and exceeding storm criteria.  
Mr. Boone provided a rebuttal regarding need for multi-family housing, luxury apartment  
aspects, job opportunities, housing options, and stormwater.  
Ms. Barnes provided  
a rebuttal including future land use designation, flood zone  
requirements, neighborhood characterization, traffic, and stormwater.  
Mr. Murphy provided  
a rebuttal including land use designation and concern with  
Mr. Thalman provided a rebuttal including traffic concerns.  
Recess was taken from 11:55 a.m. to 12:40 p.m.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of additional ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell had no additional ex parte communications.  
Commissioner Stokes had no additional ex parte communications.  
Mayor Langdon had no additional ex parte communications.  
Vice Mayor White had no additional ex parte communications.  
Commissioner Emrich had no additional ex parte communications.  
Public Comment:  
Deanna Lamoureux: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Mark Lamoureux: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
John Seepe: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Kurt Loomis: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Joe Wactowski: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Linda Grother: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Carmine Miranda: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Jessica Eik: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Nathan Steere: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Kristian Dunda: expressed support to proposed development.  
Janiece Rumenap: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Bruce Farrell: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Kathy Delsesto: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
John Makredes: expressed opposition to proposed development.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding special exception versus  
rezoning, setback requirements, floor area, building specifications, traffic light installation,  
developer impact fees, single-family zoning designation, property-owner rights, traffic  
impact study, Commission role, special exception requirements, economic development,  
future land use goals, and acreage requirement.  
Mr. Friedman, being duly sworn, spoke to traffic counts, studies and analysis.  
Joseph Holt, Amplo Capital, being duly sworn, spoke to stormwater retention and  
challenge in reserving acreage.  
Commission discussion continued regarding economic benefit, adverse effect on hospital,  
and staff’s analysis regarding consistency.  
Mr. Murphy had no closing arguments.  
Mr. Thalman provided closing arguments including comments of merit.  
Ms. Barnes provided closing arguments including property owner rights, current  
regulations regarding residential use, compliance and consistencies, required reports  
provided by applicant, staff review, and staff recommendation.  
Mr. Boone provided closing arguments including consistencies and compliance, traffic trip  
analysis, effect on hospital, stormwater regulations, and requested approval.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Mayor Langdon, to  
deny Resolution No. 2022-R-68, and find that, based on the competent substantial  
evidence: granting the special exception will adversely affect the public interest,  
health, safety and general welfare; for the following reasons:  
(a) The proposed use IS NOT consistent with the intent, goals objectives, policies  
and programs of the City of North Port Comprehensive Plan and the intent of the  
zoning district as defined in this Unified Land Development Code for the area in  
which the property is located.  
(d) The intensity of the proposed use IS NOT harmonious with the character of other  
uses in the neighborhood.  
Commission discussion took place regarding Comprehensive Plan Goal 5 regarding  
maximum economic development, requirement to be economically stable, and  
nonresidential land is necessary to create jobs.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
3 - Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White and Commissioner McDowell  
2 - Commissioner Emrich and Commissioner Stokes  
Commissioner Emrich dissented due to applicant meeting requirements.  
Commissioner Stokes dissented due to concern that the criteria for special exceptions  
had been met.  
Recess was taken from 2:44 p.m to 2:56 p.m.  
Consideration of Petition No. DMP-22-124, Pocatella Multi-Family  
DMP-22-124 Development Master Plan.(QUASI-JUDICIAL).  
Mayor Langdon announced the item and noted this item was contingent on approval of  
Resolution No. 2022-R-68.  
No action was taken on this Item.  
Consideration of Petition No. DMP-22-060, Arietto Development Master  
Plan. (Quasi-Judicial).  
Mayor Langdon announced the item, stated this is a quasi-judicial hearing, and called on  
the City Clerk to read by title only.  
Ms. Faust read the Petition by title only and swore in those wishing to provide testimony.  
Mayor Langdon called for disclosure of ex-parte communications.  
Commissioner McDowell disclosed no additional ex parte communications.  
Commissioner Stokes disclosed no additional ex parte communications.  
Mayor Langdon disclosed a site visit.  
Vice Mayor White disclosed no additional ex parte communications.  
Commissioner Emrich disclosed no additional ex parte communications.  
Ms. Faust stated there were no aggrieved parties.  
Jeffrey Boone, Boone Law Firm, being duly sworn, provided an overview.  
Trenton Strackbein, Kimley-Horn, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including  
definition of stormwater management, what is regulated and purpose of regulations,  
Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and City approval, storm  
event extension, stormwater pond percentage of development, conservative assumptions,  
reduced flood elevations, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood zones,  
and conclusions.  
Mr. Benge, being duly sworn, provided a presentation including prior presentation and  
Commission considerations.  
Mr. Boone did not have a rebuttal.  
Mr. Benge did not have a rebuttal.  
Public Comment:  
Lora Ross: expressed opposition to the proposed development.  
Janet Shaw: expressed opposition to the proposed development.  
Bruce Shaw: expressed opposition to the proposed development.  
Kathleen Balchin: expressed opposition to the proposed development.  
Janelle Black: expressed opposition to the proposed development.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding minimum lot requirements,  
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) lot width waiver requirements, lot coverage  
waiver, park requirement, integrated functional mixed-use, dead-end streets, parcel  
specifications, and staff addressing low lying area to mitigate stormwater issues.  
Mr. Benge provided closing arguments including stormwater runoff conditions and off-site  
stormwater runoff accountability.  
Mr. Boone provided closing arguments including prior discussion, stormwater  
considerations, modifications, and requested approval including modifications.  
Mayor Langdon closed the public hearing and requested a motion.  
A motion was made by Vice Mayor White, seconded by Commissioner Emrich, to  
approve Petition No. DMP-22-060 as presented and find that based on the  
competent substantial evidence, the Development Master Plan complies with the  
Unified Land Development Code.  
Commission questions and discussion took place regarding granting of waivers and  
Vice Mayor White restated the motion, seconded by Commissioner Emrich, to read:  
to approve Petition No. DMP-22-060 as presented with the below conditions and  
waivers, and find that based on the competent substantial evidence, the  
Development Master Plan complies with the Unified Land Development Code.  
1. Modification of lot standards minimum lot size to 3,675 square feet, with Unified  
Land Development Code (ULDC) requiring 7,500 square feet minimum.  
2. Modification of lot standards minimum lot width to 35 square feet, with Unified  
Land Development Code (ULDC) requiring 50 square feet minimum.  
3. Modification of lot standards maximum lot coverage to 57 percent, with Unified  
Land Development Code (ULDC) allowing 50 percent maximum.  
4. Modification of lot standards front setback to 15 feet, with Unified Land  
Development Code (ULDC) requiring 25 feet.  
5. Modification of lot standards side setback to five feet, with Unified Land  
Development Code (ULDC) requiring ten feet.  
6. Modification of roadway standards minimum right-of-way width to 50 feet, with  
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) requiring 60 feet minimum.  
7. Modification of roadway standards required bike path width to five feet, with  
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) requiring seven feet.  
1. It looks like the property will be split in three parcels. A subdivision application  
may be required.  
2. Before Florida Department of Environment Protection (FDEP) permits will be  
signed, North Port Utilities requires the following:  
(a) Four complete sets of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permit  
applications (water and sewer) and four sets of construction plans both sets of items  
shall be signed and sealed by the engineer of record.  
(b) One engineer certified (sealed) estimate for the cost of utility construction.  
(c) A check for the Utility Construction Inspection Fee. The fee shall be 6.5 percent  
of the utility construction costs for projects $0 to $2 million, plus 2.5 percent of  
utility construction cost over $2 million. The minimum fee is $250.00.  
3. Prior to commencement of utility site construction, three copies of shop  
drawings plus any copies required by the applicant shall be submitted to the Utility  
Department for review and approval.  
4. Irrigation systems shall be designed and constructed to meet reuse standards.  
5. Provide the Utility Department with floor plans and plumbing riser drawings for  
each building so meter sizes and capacity fees can be calculated. Meter and  
Capacity fees shall prior to utility site construction the Development Order,  
Department of Environmental Protection Permit and Development of Health Permit  
shall be posted at the project site and provided at the preconstruction meeting.  
A developer agreement shall be negotiated with the utility department and  
approved by the Utility Director and City Staff prior to DEP or Department of Health  
(DOH) permits being signed and released.  
7. The existing manholes for the proposed sanitary sewer connections will be  
required to be lined after being cored.  
8. Please refer to the City of North Port Utilities updated standard and specifications  
for design and construction. These can be found on the City of North Port website.  
9. The gopher tortoise survey was done in January 2022 and three burrows were  
found. No more than 90 days prior to, and no fewer than 72 hours before (excluding  
weekends and one holiday) commencing gopher tortoise capture and relocation  
activities, the gopher tortoise authorized agent shall complete a 100 percent gopher  
tortoise survey. The gopher tortoise relocation must be completed before applying  
avoided with the required 25 foot radius. If gopher tortoises are proposed to be  
relocated, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) relocation  
permit for the relocation is needed, and a copy of the survey and permit provided  
to the City. On completion of the relocation actions, submit summary After  
a land clearing permit. All gopher tortoise burrows found on-site must be  
Action report to the City that identifies the total number of tortoises relocated to the  
designated property. To ensure that gopher tortoises have not moved to the site in  
intervening time between relocation activities and land clearing an additional 100  
percent survey of all suitable gopher tortoise habitat may be required within 90  
days from the proposed start of land clearing.  
10. Provide a copy of the current approved Environmental Resource Permit (ERP)  
issued by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). The  
SWFWMD Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) will indicate presence of  
wetlands. The permits will authorize wetland impacts and indicate how wetland  
mitigation will be achieved. This permit plus documentation of required wetland  
mitigation must be provided prior to construction that impacts the wetland. This  
permit is typically provided preferably before scheduling the preconstruction  
meeting with the City.  
The motion carried on the following vote:  
4 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich and Commissioner  
1 - Commissioner McDowell  
Commissioner McDowell dissented due to language limited “under no circumstance” and  
park requirement.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Approval of the December  
8, 2022, City Commission Special Meeting Minutes  
Mayor Langdon announced the item.  
Mr. Faust introduced the item.  
There were no Commission questions or discussion.  
There was no public comment.  
Mayor Langdon requested a motion.  
motion was made by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner  
Stokes, to approve the December 8, 2022 meeting minutes as presented with the  
recommended changes. The motion carried on the following vote:  
5 -  
Mayor Langdon, Vice Mayor White, Commissioner Emrich, Commissioner  
McDowell and Commissioner Stokes  
There was no public comment.  
Commissioner Emrich did not have a report.  
Vice Mayor White reported on events attended.  
Mayor Langdon reported on events attended.  
Commissioner Stokes reported on events attended.  
Commissioner McDowell reported on events attended.  
There was consensus to direct staff to send a letter of thank you, signed by the  
Mayor, to Representative Steube by the end of the week.  
Mr. Fletcher noted a letter of thank you had already been mailed.  
Mr. Fletcher did not have a report.  
Mr. Golen did not have a report.  
Ms. Faust requested Commission provide RSVP for State of the City.  
Mayor Langdon adjourned the meeting at 3:59 p.m.  
City of North Port, Florida  
By: ___________________________________________  
Barbara Langdon, Mayor  
Attest: _________________________________________  
Heather Faust, City Clerk  
These minutes were approved on the ____ day of _______________, 2023.