NORTH PORT, FL 34286  
City of North Port  
Meeting Minutes  
Environmental Advisory Board  
Monday, May 1, 2023  
5:30 PM  
City Hall Room 244  
1. Call to Order  
Vice Chair Holland called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.  
2. Roll Call  
4 -  
Vice Chair Holland, Board Member English, Board Member Therrien and Board  
Member Hall  
2 - Chair Lafler and Board Member Robinson  
Also Present  
Environmental Technician Jeremy Rogus and Recording Secretary Susan Hale.  
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Holland.  
There was no public comment.  
3. Pledge of Allegiance  
4. Public Comment  
5. Approval of Minutes  
Approval of Minutes for the April 3, 2023 Environmental Advisory Board  
motion was made by Board Member English, seconded by Board Member  
Therrien, to approve the Minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously on  
a voice vote.  
6. Presentation  
Presentation: Warm Mineral Springs Comprehensive Plan Amendment  
(Planning and Zoning)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item and noted Ms. Barnes was unable to attend the  
7. New Business  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Implementation of Additional  
Community Gardens (Lola Robinson)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item.  
Discussion ensued regarding garden locations around North Port, annual cost per plot,  
startup costs and basic equipment, worksheets distributed, planning Board projects,  
business donations, garden location(s), narrowing the list, lot sizes, City policy regarding  
sponsorship/contributions, and the University of Florida Master Gardener Program.  
A motion was made by Board Member Therrien, seconded by Board Member Hall,  
to direct Mr. Rogus to determine the City policy pertaining to donations,  
sponsorships, and pledges toward a community garden in addition to supplies and  
equipment needed to maintain  
voice vote.  
a garden. The motion carried unanimously on a  
There was a consensus to continue Item No. 23-0742 at the next meeting.  
8. Updates  
Recommendation to the City Commission Regarding Potential Uses of  
Tree Fund Monies (Jeremy Rogus)  
Chair Holland announced the item.  
Mr. Rogus spoke to no response from the Commission regarding the Tree Fund  
Allain Hale:disappearance of animal habitat and memos to the Commission.  
There was a consensus to request an update regarding the following questions to  
Commission regarding the potential uses of the Tree Fund money, the Commission  
Workshop regarding the Tree Fund, and the Board's Joint Meeting with the  
Commission Response to the Environmental Advisory Board's Formal  
Request to be Included in the Review of Requests for Waivers to Open  
Space and Park Requirements Contained in Section 37-14 of the Unified  
Land Development Code (ULDC) (Jeremy Rogus)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item and noted a response was received from the  
Commission and no further updates are needed.  
Recommended Uses for the Tree Fund Monies (Jeremy Rogus)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item.  
Mr. Rogus noted this item was a duplicate of Item No. 23-3262.  
Inviting a Representative from Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to  
Provide an Overview of their Board. (Jeremy Rogus)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item.  
Mr. Rogus spoke to having no update and will resend the memo to the Parks and  
Recreation Department.  
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Finalizing the Board's Annual  
Report to the Commission (Jeremy Rogus)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item.  
Discussion ensued regarding lack of responses from requests to the Commission,  
gathering a list of what the Board hoped to accomplish, and revisiting Item No. 23-0466  
next month.  
Memo Regarding Pesticides Used in Sarasota County (Erin Hall)  
Vice Chair Holland announced the item.  
Mr. Rogus spoke to having no update regarding the pesticides used in Sarasota County.  
motion was made by Board Member English, seconded by Board Member  
Therrien, to direct Mr. Rogus to set Board email memos to receive an "opened and  
read receipt" and to provide the Board with the results at the next meeting.  
9. Future Agenda Items  
10. Public Comment  
11. Adjournment  
Future agenda items include updates for Item Nos. 23-0742, 22-3263, 23-0460, 23-0466,  
22-3596, Bee Pollination Stations, and an election of a chair.  
Allain Hale: Board recommendations to the Commission and responses from past  
Vice Chair Holland adjourned the meeting at 6:38 p.m.  
Desiree Holland, Vice Chair  
Minutes were approved on the ___ day of __________, 2023.