Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Code Enforcement Hearing Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/23/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-1816 1A. MinutesApproval of the October 24, 2024 Code Enforcement Hearing Minutes   Not available Not available
Case No 24-2018 1A. 2nd Hearing Case(JP) SAMUEL T SEPP; 8169 DOROTHY AVE Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code Assigned numbers (No visible assigned numbers affixed to residence)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3035 1B. 2nd Hearing Case(NL) TRUST US INVESTMENTS LLC; 7955 JAYMAN RD Section, Florida Building Code- Permit has expired (SFR permit 22-1953 expired on 10-28-23)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3910 1C. 1st Hearing Case(GO) HILDA A QUINTANA-MOLINA, 6098 SAN SALVADOR RD 2012 International Property Maintenance Code Section 108.1.1 - Unsafe structures (Construction site has broken out windows around the entire unfinished property, resulting in glass shards that are scattered throughout on the ground. Additionally, this construction site has not been boarded off allowing access to an unsafe construction site)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-4031 1D. 1st Hearing Case(NL) DONALD & LINDA JOHNSTON, 8231 LOMBRA AVE Section, Florida Building Code- Permit has expired. (Expired permit 22-3775 for land clearing (2 oak trees), expired on 3-30-23.)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-1679 1A. Continued Case(LC) JOHN EDWARD SHCLARR; 1733 KADASHOW AVE 42-85 North Port City Code - Adoption of standards by reference. International Property Maintenance Code, 304 Exterior Structure - 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 304.1.1 Unsafe conditions. The following conditions shall be determined as unsafe and shall be repaired or replaced to comply with the International Building Code or the International Existing Building Code as required for existing buildings: * 7. Exterior walls that are not anchored to supporting and supported elements or are not plumb and free of holes, cracks or breaks and loose or rotting materials, are not properly anchored or are not capable of supporting all nominal loads and resisting all load effects. (Abandoned construction site without window or door frames. The abandoned structure causes a possible hazardous for persons entering. There is also no retaining fences or posted warning signage)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3342 1A. 1st Hearing Case(GO) SB&G LIMITED HOLDINGS LLC, 4438 HARTSOOK AVE Chapter 70-56, North Port City Code Assigned numbers must be at least three (3) inches in height, in Arabic numeral form, placed on a contrasting background visible from the street (No visible assigned numbers affixed to residence) 59-1 (c)(1), City Code Allowed parking - A property owner shall only have a boat, light duty vehicle, oncall/on-duty wrecker, recreational vehicle, or trailer parked on their residential lot when the lot contains a principal structure, and pursuant to the following limitations: a. Combined maximum parking. The combined maximum number of light duty vehicles and boats allowed to park on a residential lot is determined based on the lot's size, as follows: Residential Lot Size Total Vehicles and/or Boats 10,999 square feet or smaller 6 11,000 to 20,999 square feet 8 21,000 to 30,999 square feet 9 31,000 to 40,999 square feet 10 41,000 to 50,999 square feet 11 Page 2 of 2 51,000 square feet and larger 12 b. Boat and trailer parking. A boat on a trailer shall count as one item towards the combined ma   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3396 1B. 1st Hearing Case(GO) ARTHUR FERREIRA ALVES, 3727 COQUINA AVE Chapter 42-23, North Port City Code; Accumulation of Debris (Accumulation of debris on this property consisting of a shelf, toys, containers, and other miscellaneous items. Additionally, the patio in the rear of the property is dilapidated and needs to be removed or repaired)    Not available Not available
Case No 24-3667 1C. 1st Hearing Case(JP) MARZAN CONSTRUCTIONS LLC, 3808 ALBATROS LN International Property Maintenance Code 302.4 Weeds. Premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of 12 inches. Noxious weeds shall be prohibited (Grass and/or weeds on this property are excessive in height, and is in violation of City Code)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3798 1D. 1st Hearing Case(LC) ESTERO DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, 2487 FLAGAMI LN Section 33-7C(3), Unified Land Development Code Silt screens are not installed properly, site is at risk of potential erosion (No soil erosion in place which is allowing soil and sand to wash into the roadway. ) Section, Florida Building Code- Permit has expired (Permit number 21-10347 for a single family residence has expired) 33-7(D)(1)(C) Unified Land Development Code - Piling and storage of debris; landscaped berms. The pile of debris shall be completely enclosed on all four (4) sides (The property grounds are littered with construction materials and debris) 42-85 North Port City Code - Adoption of standards by reference. International Property Maintenance Code, 304 Exterior Structure - 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 304.1.1 Unsafe conditions. The following conditions shall be determined as unsafe and shall be repaired or replaced to comply with the International Bu   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3870 1E. 1st Hearing Case(JP) PALLADIO DEVELOPMENT LLC, 4251 BILLINGHAM LN Section, Florida Building Code- Permit has expired. (Expired SFR Building Permit #22-9026, expired on 7-17-24.) 33-7(D)(1)(C) Unified Land Development Code - Piling and storage of debris; landscaped berms. The pile of debris shall be completely enclosed on all four (4) sides (Overall unkempt appearance of this construction site- with debris scattered throughout. Debris is overflowing from dumpster, and blowing throughout the property and in to the City Right-of-way)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-3963 1F. 1st Hearing Case(GO) NATALYA & NICK TUR, 5121 GAGHAGEN ST 59-1 (c)(1), City Code Allowed parking - A property owner shall only have a boat, light duty vehicle, oncall/on-duty wrecker, recreational vehicle, or trailer parked on their residential lot when the lot contains a principal structure, and pursuant to the following limitations: a. Combined maximum parking. The combined maximum number of light duty vehicles and boats allowed to park on a residential lot is determined based on the lot's size, as follows: Residential Lot Size Total Vehicles and/or Boats 10,999 square feet or smaller 6 11,000 to 20,999 square feet 8 21,000 to 30,999 square feet 9 31,000 to 40,999 square feet 10 41,000 to 50,999 square feet 11 51,000 square feet and larger 12 b. Boat and trailer parking. A boat on a trailer shall count as one item towards the combined maximum parking allowed on a residential lot. c. Location limits. No boat, light duty vehicle, recreational vehicle, and/or trailer shall be parked on a residential lot except as follows: 1. Front yard parking. A parked vehicle/boat must rest entirely u   Not available Not available
Case No 24-4004 1G. 2nd Hearing Case(LC) VASILIY & LYUDMILA & SERGEY KORDONSKIY, 4418 SHRIMP LN 59-2, City Code, Damage to the public right-of-way (The underground culvert pipe has been uprooted along the Madagascar side of the property which is interrupting storm water flow. It appears that this damage was caused by vehicles and trailers with boat driving through the right-of-way without a concrete slab. Culvert and Right-of-way permit must be filed, and culvert must be repaired or replaced.)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-4117 1H. 1st Hearing Case(LC) VLADIMIR PASHCHUK, 5302 BAYBERRY ST Section 45-5A, Unified Land Development Code - Land Clearing (Attend the required Code Enforcement Hearing to states facts concerning this violation)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-1184 1A. 2nd Hearing Case(NL) ALAN & KATHLEEN QUACKENBUSH; 3326 TUSKET AVE Chapter 105.1, Florida Building Code - Permit required (No permit on file for the storage containers on property)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-2427 1B. 2nd Hearing Case(JP) ESTERO DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS LP; 2440 BRONCO LN Section 33-7C(3), Unified Land Development Code Silt screens are not installed properly, site is at risk of potential erosion (Silt fence down on the front of this construction site, as well as partially down on the side. Barrier must be repaired, or replaced)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-2469 1C. 2nd Hearing Case(KS) SIERRA LANE CAPITAL, C/O ACQURA LOAN SERVICES; 2690 NAGENGAST ST 2012 International Property Maintenance Code Section 108.1.3 - Structure Unfit for Human Occupancy (Mold, mildew, bug, and rodent infestation are present on this property) 42-85 North Port City Code - Adoption of standards by reference. International Property Maintenance Code, 304 Exterior Structure - 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 304.1.1 Unsafe conditions. The following conditions shall be determined as unsafe and shall be repaired or replaced to comply with the International Building Code or the International Existing Building Code as required for existing buildings: * 7. Exterior walls that are not anchored to supporting and supported elements or are not plumb and free of holes, cracks or breaks and loose or rotting materials, are not properly anchored or are not capable of supporting all nominal loads and resisting all load effects. (Broken glass about the pre   Not available Not available
Case No 24-2513 1D. 2nd Hearing Case(NL) MATTHEW WHITE; 2210 MCTAGUE ST Chapter 62-50, North Port City Code Refuse container(s) (Solid waste containers improperly stored at the street outside the time frame permissible per City Code) R4501.17, Florida Building Code Pursuant to Sections R4501.17.1 through R4501.17.3 of the Florida Building Code, this pool has been inspected and deemed to be unsafe, creating a life/safety issue (No Swimming barrier around this pool which is required per City Code)   Not available Not available
Case No 24-2722 1F. 2nd Hearing Case(JP) DWELL WELL INC; 6145 DEMING AVE 42-85 North Port City Code - Adoption of standards by reference. International Property Maintenance Code, 304 Exterior Structure - 304.1 General. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. 304.1.1 Unsafe conditions. The following conditions shall be determined as unsafe and shall be repaired or replaced to comply with the International Building Code or the International Existing Building Code as required for existing buildings: * 7. Exterior walls that are not anchored to supporting and supported elements or are not plumb and free of holes, cracks or breaks and loose or rotting materials, are not properly anchored or are not capable of supporting all nominal loads and resisting all load effects. (Roof is in a dilapidated state with visible signs of deterioration)   Not available Not available
25-1815 1A. General BusinessDiscussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval of the 2025 Code Enforcement Hearing Schedule   Not available Video Video