File #: 24-1596    Version: 1 Name:
Type: General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/12/2024 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 11/26/2024 Final action: 11/26/2024
Title: Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointing a Commissioner to Sit on the Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committees and the Legislative Advocacy Committee.
Attachments: 1. Current Committee Assignments

TO:                                           Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission


FROM:                      Heather Faust, MMC, City Clerk


TITLE:                     Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Appointing a Commissioner to Sit on the Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committees and the Legislative Advocacy Committee.



Recommended Action


Approve Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committee appointments and Legislative Advocacy Committee appointment.


Background Information


The Florida League of Cities (FLC) is asking for participation on five Legislative Committees.  No more than one elected official from each City can be on each Committee.  


The Legislative Policy Committees for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 are listed below:  


                     Finance, Taxation & Personnel Committee

                     Land Use & Economic Development Committee

                     Municipal Administration Committee

                     Transportation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee

                     Utilities, Natural Resources & Public Works Committee


The following provides the dates, times and locations of the remaining Legislative Policy Committee meetings and FLC conferences scheduled in Fiscal Year 2024-2025:


                     December 5, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Hilton, Orlando)

                     March 24-26, 2025, Legislative Action Days (Tallahassee)


The following City Commissioners are currently serving on the various FLC Committees:


                     Municipal Administration Committee:  Mayor White

                     Land Use & Economic Development Committee: Commissioner McDowell

                     Transportation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee:  Commissioner Emrich

                     Utilities, Natural Resources & Public Works Committee:  Vice-Mayor Stokes

                     Finance, Taxation & Personnel Committee:  Commissioner Langdon


Legislative Advocacy Committee: The FLC is accepting applications to serve on its 2024-25 Advocacy Committee. This Committee is responsible for building support among the League membership and the Legislature for the legislative priorities adopted by the membership of the Florida League of Cities. Additionally, the Advocacy Committee is responsible for serving as a key contact for state elected officials to advocate the FLC Legislative Action Agenda and other key issues. Advocacy Committee members will also be asked to provide strategic direction on the Leagues' lobbying initiatives. Please note: Only one elected official per City can be appointed to the Advocacy Committee.


The following City Commissioner is currently serving on the Legislative Advocacy Committee:


Commissioner McDowell


Strategic Plan


Good Governance


Financial Impact


Not applicable.




Not applicable.


Attachments:                      None



Prepared by:                                            Heather Faust, MMC, City Clerk


Department Director:                       Heather Faust, MMC, City Clerk