File #: RES. NO. 2024-R-68    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/29/2024 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 11/26/2024 Final action: 11/26/2024
Title: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida, Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Located on Denargo Road and Described as Lot 5, Block 1817 of the Thirty-Seventh Addition to Port Charlotte Subdivision, Sarasota County Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Number 0995181705; Incorporating Recitals; Providing for Filing of Documents; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 2024-R-68

TO:                                           Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission


FROM:                      A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager


TITLE:                     A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida, Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Located on Denargo Road and Described as Lot 5, Block 1817 of the Thirty-Seventh Addition to Port Charlotte Subdivision, Sarasota County Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Number 0995181705; Incorporating Recitals; Providing for Filing of Documents; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.



Recommended Action


Approve Resolution No. 2024-R-68 as presented.


Background Information


The City of North Port Utilities Department seeks to acquire property identified as Parcel Identification No. 0995-18-1705 located on Denargo Road to support the City’s wastewater collection system. The right side of the parcel has been utilized to access lift station 29, which lies within the drainage right of way behind the property. The acquisition of this parcel will provide permanent access to this lift station for maintenance and repair needs. 


Through the City’s Real Estate Consultant, an Appraisal Report was obtained with the property showing a simple market value of $33,000. The seller has agreed to sell the property for $32,500, which was the listing price. The current owner will pay any outstanding taxes on real property at closing.


Resolution No. 2024-R-68 has been reviewed by the Interim City Attorney and is legally correct as to form.


Strategic Plan


Infrastructure and Facilities


Financial Impact


Funding in the amount of $32,500 is available in account 420-6062-535.61-00 project U24LSR.




Purchase of property will be pursuant to Sec.2-403 (a)(3)c of the City of North Port Procurement Code -

Real Property, real estate brokering, or appraising.




1.                     Resolution No. 2024-R-68



Prepared by:                                            Michelle Tipp, Utilities Business Manager


Department Director:                       Nancy Gallinaro, Utilities Director