File #: 24-1349    Version: 1 Name:
Type: General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/30/2024 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action: 9/10/2024
Title: Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the City Attorney’s Resignation, Including the Potential Appointment of an Interim City Attorney and Filling the Upcoming City Attorney Vacancy
Attachments: 1. Slayton Resignation Letter, 2. Slayton Employment Agreement

TO:                                           Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission


FROM:                      Amber L. Slayton, B.C.S., City Attorney


TITLE:                     Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the City Attorney’s Resignation, Including the Potential Appointment of an Interim City Attorney and Filling the Upcoming City Attorney Vacancy



Recommended Action


Accept the City Attorney’s resignation, effective September 25, 2024, unless the Commission prefers an earlier date and waives the 30-day notice requirement.


Consider whether to make an appointment for an Interim City Attorney, effective the date after Ms. Slayton’s last day, and determine the interim pay.


Consider whether to address at this time how the City Commission would like to approach filling the upcoming vacancy.


Background Information


On August 26, 2024, City Attorney Amber Slayton submitted her resignation letter with an identified effective date of September 25, 2024.


Section 7.a of the City Attorney Employment Agreement provides that:


Ms. Slayton may cancel this Agreement and her position as the City Attorney by giving the Commission at least thirty (30) days written notice before the effective date of separation, unless the Commission agrees to waive such notice requirement. No severance shall be paid to Ms. Slayton if she retires, resigns, or cancels this Agreement and her employment. However, Ms. Slayton will be paid any unused leave that she has accrued as of the effective date of termination, in accordance with the Personnel Policy in effect at that time.


In her resignation letter, Ms. Slayton endorsed the potential appointment of Deputy City Attorney Michael Golen as Interim City Attorney.


Strategic Plan


Good Governance


Financial Impact


Ms. Slayton should be paid her unused leave in accordance with the Personnel Policy. Any increased pay for the Interim City Attorney would be covered by savings due to the City Attorney vacancy.




Not applicable



1.                     Slayton Resignation Letter

2.                     Slayton Employment Agreement



Prepared by:                                            Amber L. Slayton, B.C.S., City Attorney


Department Director:                       Amber L. Slayton, B.C.S., City Attorney