TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Consideration of Petition PLF-23-259, Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2 Final Plat (QUASI-JUDICIAL)
Recommended Action
The City Commission approve PLF-23-259 Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2 Final Plat.
Background Information
On October 30, 2023, the Planning & Zoning Division received a Final Plat petition from John Luczynski of Main Street Ranchlands, LLLP, and George Huddleston of Catalyst Design Group, for Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2.
The purpose of the petition is to subdivide Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2, original tract into four (4) parcels, Tracts 101, 102, 103 and 104 (Figure 1). Main Street Ranchlands, LLLP, previously owned the entire ± 52.23 acre-original tract.
In 2023, Tract 101 was purchased by Englewood Community Hospital, Inc. (Figure 2). Main Street Ranchlands, LLLP will retain ownership of Tracts 102, 103 and 104 (Figure 3).
Infrastructure Plans were approved for this site as a part of the Master Infrastructure Plans for Village D (INF-19-289) on March 17, 2020. Subdivision Plans (SCP-23-254) for the site were approved on November 30, 2024.
The subject property is zoned Village (V) with a Future Land Use Designation of Village (V).
The plat has been reviewed and approved by the contracted City Surveyor.
At their regularly scheduled meeting on March 7, 2024, the Planning & Zoning Advisory Board voted 6-0 with 1 member absent to recommend City Commission approve PLF-23-259, Wellen Park Downtown Phase 2 Final Plat.
Strategic Plan
Economic Development & Growth Management
Financial Impact
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
1. Staff Report W/ Exhibits
2. Plat PLF-23-259
3. PZAB Action Report March 7, 2024
Prepared by: David Brown, Planner I
Hank Flores, AICP, CFM, Planning and Zoning Manager
Lori Barnes, AICP, CPM, Assistant Director, Development Services Department
Department Director: Alaina Ray, AICP, Director, Development Services Department