TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City Of North Port, Florida, Amending Resolution No. 2022-R-25 to Extend the Duration of the Temporary Marketing of Activity Center 1: Mediterranea as Activity Center 1: Trailside, Activity Center 4: Panacea as Activity Center 4: Innovation Park, Activity Center 5: Midway as Activity Center 5: The Crossings, Activity Center 6: The Shire as Activity Center 6: Yorkshire, Activity Center 7: the Springs as Activity Center 7: Warm Mineral Springs, and Activity Center 8: The Gardens as Activity Center 8: Myakka Connection; Providing for Incorporation of Recitals; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.
Recommended Action
Approve Resolution 2022-R-74 as presented.
Background Information
During the City Commission Workshop on January 16, 2020, the following consensuses were approved by Commission:
1. There was a consensus to start using the names of each Activity Center immediately with the development of a list of names to help with the transition.
2. There was a consensus to direct the City Manager to create an agenda item within six months for a larger discussion on how that promotion looks for Activity Centers.
3. There was a consensus to promote Activity Center, one a month, location, businesses, and surrounding neighborhoods to help educate.
4. There was a consensus to schedule a joint meeting with the Art Advisory Board to discuss a vision and plan for art City-wide and putting faces to each of the Activity Centers.
It was determined that the names of Activity Center 1 and 4-8 would need to be changed to better reflect their uses, marketable assets, and geographic characteristics. The name of Activity enters 2 and 3 would remain the same.
The following Activity Center names were selected based on staff input and voting by the public in early...
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