TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: Heather Faust, MMC, City Clerk
TITLE: Review of Advisory Board Recommendations and Possible Action Regarding Placement on a Future Agenda for Discussion Including 1. Environmental Advisory Board - Trees for Carbon Sequestration. 2. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board - Parks Master Plan Funding.
Recommended Action
To be determined.
Background Information
Attached are the recommendations received from Advisory Boards prior to September 1, 2024. Each month, Advisory Board recommendations for the month(s) prior will be placed on an agenda for City Commission review and determination of possible action. This is in addition to the recommendation memorandum being emailed to the Commission.
Strategic Plan
Good Governance
Financial Impact
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
1. EAB - Trees for Carbon Sequestration
2. P&R - Parks Master Plan Funding
Prepared by: Heather Faust, MMC, City Clerk
Department Director: Heather Faust, MMC, City Clerk