TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Approve the Application to the Resilient SRQ Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Program in the Amount of $5,945,000 for the Spring Haven Roadway Expansion and Authorize the City Manager or the Mayor, as Applicable Under the City Charter, to Execute all Funding Documents After Legal Review, Should the Grant be Awarded to the City.
Recommended Action
Approve the application to the Resilient SRQ Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Program in the amount of $5,945,000 for the Spring Haven Roadway Expansion and authorize the City Manager or the Mayor, as applicable under the City Charter, to execute all funding documents after legal review, should the grant be awarded to the City.
Background Information
Sarasota County is a direct recipient of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)'s Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR). Sarasota County has named this grant initiative Resilient SRQ. The County will be awarded $201.5 million in funding to deliver unmet needs assistance to the community from the impacts from Hurricane Ian.
CDBG-DR funds activities related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization and mitigation in the most impacted and distressed areas and generally fall into the following categories: housing, restoration of infrastructure, and economic revitalization.
The City of North Port's Public Works Department is requesting funding for the extension of Spring Haven Drive from Pan American Boulevard to Price Boulevard, providing an additional evacuation route and a second exit point for the neighborhood east of Pan American Boulevard. During Hurricane Ian, evacuation routes were severely impacted and demonstrated the need for expanded roadway infrastructure to ensure the safety of citizens dur...
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