File #: 25-1832    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/16/2025 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve Contract Addendum with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Utilities Field Operations Modular Buildings
Attachments: 1. Contract Addendum, 2. Lease Quotation and Agreement, 3. Florida Division of Corporation Documents
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TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Approve Contract Addendum with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Utilities Field Operations Modular Buildings

Recommended Action

Approve Contract Addendum with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Utilities Field Operations Modular Buildings

Background Information

In October 2022, after Hurricane Ian, the Utilities Department Administration and Field Operations facility located on Price Boulevard was destroyed and could no longer be used for daily operations. The department worked to secure a lease under the City's exigency procurement policy through Mobile Modular Management Corporation for temporary office space. The initial term of the lease was a 24-month rental of the office space, starting on December 15, 2022 which was the date of delivery. The original lease for the Field Operations modular rental has now expired and requires approval of a contract addendum to lock in a monthly rate as well as keep the return rate the same as the original lease agreement.

All terms and conditions from the original lease will remain the same.

This Contract Addendum has been reviewed by legal as to form and correctness.

Strategic Plan

Good Governance

Financial Impact

The total amount of the lease for 24 months is $83,011.92. Funds have been budgeted for fiscal year 2025 in account number 420-6063-536.44-00 in the amount of $41,505.96, for the first 12 months of the lease.


The original lease and quotation agreement was procured pursuant to Section 2-408 of the City of North Port Procurement Code - Emergency Procurement.

Mobile Modular Management Corporation
1100 State Road 559
Auburndale, FL 33823


1. Contract Addendum
2. Lease Quotation and Agreement
3. Florida Division of Corporation Documents

Prepared by: Michelle Tipp, Utilities Business Manager

Department Director: Nancy Gallinaro, Ut...

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