TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Approval of Cellular Tower Construction, Tower Lease Agreement, and Land Lease Agreement Between the City of North Port and 1 Source Towers II, LLC Related to Property Located at 11820 Manasota Beach Road.
Recommended Action
Approve construction of a new cellular tower, Tower Lease Agreement, and Land Lease Agreement between the City of North Port and 1 Source Towers II, LLC located at 11820 Manasota Beach Road.
Background Information
Due to the extensive growth of the City of North Port, 1 Source Towers II, LLC, managing partner with Verizon Wireless, would like to construct a new cellular tower at 11820 Manasota Beach Road. This tower would improve City-wide wireless services and will have space dedicated for North Port Police Department's and Fire Rescue Department's communications equipment.
> Tower Lease Agreement
The Tower Lease Agreement dedicates tower space to the City for communication equipment. Similar to the Land Lease Agreement, the Tower Lease Agreement has an initial term of five (5) years and will automatically be extended for set terms unless terminated via written notice provided a minimum of six (6) months prior to the end of the current term.
Through the Tower Lease Agreement, the City will be required to pay for its electrical service use and $100.00 per month rent, $1,200.00 annually, for the tower space following the commencement date of the Agreement. Commencing on the first anniversary of the commencement date and on each anniversary thereafter, the annual rental shall increase by an amount equal to two percent (2.0%) of the annual rental due for the immediately proceeding lease year.
> Land Lease Agreement
The Land Lease Agreement will provide approximately 6,500 square feet of space for the construction of the tower and ingress/egress access. This Agreement has an initial term of five (5) years and wil...
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