TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of North Port, Florida, Approving and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the State of Florida Department of Transportation Locally Funded Agreement to Provide Funds to the Department to Support the Construction and Construction Engineering Inspection of Both I-75 at Sumter Boulevard and I-75 at Toledo Blade Boulevard Interchange Improvements; Providing for Incorporation of Recitals; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date.
Recommended Action
Approve Resolution No. 2024-R-40 as presented.
Background Information
During a Special Meeting on February 6, 2020, the City Commission provided consensus for staff to have a plan of action regarding a traffic light at both I-75 at Sumter Boulevard and I-75 at Toledo Blade Boulevard interchanges.
Capital Improvement Projects R2275S I-75 Interchange Road Infrastructure Improvements (Sumter Boulevard) and R22I75 I-75 Interchange Road Infrastructure Improvements (Toledo Blade Boulevard) were created, and Department of Public Works staff began working with the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
FDOT is working with the City to lead the process of the installation of permanent signals at the I-75 interchanges at Sumter Boulevard and Toledo Blade Boulevard. The City's financial contribution toward the projects is a maximum lump sum of $3,000,000. If the project costs do not exceed $3,000,000, the funds are reimbursable to the City.
Resolution No. 2024-R-40 and the Locally Funded Agreement have been reviewed by the City Attorney and are correct as to form.
Strategic Plan
Infrastructure & Facilities Integrity
Financial Impact
Funding in the amount of $3,000,000 has been allocated in the Fiscal Year 2024 Road and Drainage District Budget, Project Number R2275S, Account Number 153-5000-541.63...
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