TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: An Ordinance of the City of North Port, Florida, Calling for a Referendum Question to be Placed before the Qualified Voters of the City of North Port, Florida at a Special Election; Providing a Referendum Question Determining Whether to Finance the New Police Department Headquarters Project Through the Issuance by the City of General Obligation Bonds Payable from the Proceeds of Ad Valorem Taxes Levied on all Taxable Property within the City in Amounts Sufficient to Pay Debt Service on Such Bonds; Providing for Findings; Providing for the Filing of the Ordinance with the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections; Providing for Conflicts; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date
Recommended Action
Continue Ordinance No. 2025-03 to second reading on February 11, 2025.
Recommended Action for Second Reading
Approve Ordinance 2025-03 as presented with amendments made as directed at First Reading on January 28, 2025.
Background Information
During the Regular Commission Meeting on December 10, 2024, the City Commission considered agenda item no. 25-1721 regarding referendum questions related to borrowing authority for infrastructure projects and the North Port Police Department Headquarters Project. At the conclusion of their discussion, the Commission unanimously passed the following motion:
Ø Motion: To direct staff to include referendum questions related to the borrowing authority for designated infrastructure projects and borrowing authority for construction of a new North Port Police Department Headquarters on a date to be determined.
Pursuant to Commission direction, City Clerk Faust confirmed with the Supervisor of Elections that the City of North Port would be able to include the subject referendum questions on the May 13, 2025, special election.
During a Commission Workshop Meeting on January 6, 2025, staff provided a presentation outlining the history of the North Port Police Department, current facility needs and population growth projections for the City Commission’s consideration for development of a referendum question.
Following discussion, the City Commission provided consensus to direct the City Manager to move forward with seeking voter approval to allow borrowing for the North Port Police Department Headquarters in the amount up to $115M.
During a Regular Commission Meeting on January 14, 2025, the City Commission passed the following motion:
Ø Motion: To direct staff to bring back Ordinances establishing referendum questions related to borrowing authority for infrastructure projects and the North Port Police Department Headquarters for first reading on January 28, 2025.
Ordinance No. 2025-03 provides the following proposed referendum question for the May 13, 2025, special election:
To finance a portion of a new Police Department headquarters facility, shall the City of North Port be authorized to issue bonds in one or more series in a total aggregate principal amount not to exceed $115,000,000, maturing no later than 30 years from issuance, bearing interest at no more than the maximum lawful rate and payable from ad valorem property taxes levied in amounts sufficient to pay debt service on such bonds?
Resolution No. 2024-R-57 adopting City Commission Policy No. 2024-01 - Debt Management Policy, and Ordinance No. 2024-37 establishing a Debt Advisory Committee were approved during a City Commission Special Meeting on November 4, 2024.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 166.041(4)(c), a business impact estimate is not required because this ordinance relates to the issuance or refinancing of debt.
Ordinance No. 2025-03 has been reviewed by the City Attorney as is legally correct as to form.
Information for Second Reading:
The City Commission heard the first reading of Ordinance No. 2025-03 at its Regular Meeting on January 28, 2025, and provided the following motion:
Ø To continue Ordinance No. 2025-03, as amended to remove the words “a portion of”, to second reading on February 11, 2025.
As directed, the phrase “a portion of” was removed from the title block, referendum question and from references throughout the document.
The referendum question now reads as follows:
To finance a new Police Department headquarters facility, shall the City of North Port be authorized to issue bonds in one or more series in a total aggregate principal amount not to exceed $115,000,000, maturing no later than 30 years from issuance, bearing interest at no more than the maximum lawful rate and payable from ad valorem property taxes levied in amounts sufficient to pay debt service on such bonds?
Strategic Plan
Good Governance
Infrastructure & Facilities Integrity
Economic Development & Growth Management
Financial Impact
To be determined.
Not applicable.
1. Ordinance No. 2025-03 - Second Reading
2. Ordinance No. 2025-03 - First Reading
3. Borrowing Referendum Presentation
4. January 14, 2025 Regular Meeting Notes
5. January 6, 2025 Workshop Notes
6. Resolution No. 2024-R-57
7. Ordinance No. 2024-37
Prepared by: A. Jerome Fletcher, II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
Department Director: A. Jerome Fletcher, II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager