File #: 24-1688    Version: 1 Name:
Type: General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/3/2024 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/14/2025
Title: Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Prioritized List of Project Funding Applications Through the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Attachments: 1. MPO 25 Warm Mineral Springs Connector Application, 2. MPO 25 Price Blvd Phase IIA Application, 3. MPO 25 I-75 Yorkshire Interchange Application, 4. MPO 25 Toledo Blade Extension Application, 5. MPO 25 Price Extension to River Rd Application

TO:                                           Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission


FROM:                      A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager


TITLE:                     Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Prioritized List of Project Funding Applications Through the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization.



Recommended Action


Discussion and possible action to approve prioritized list of project funding applications through the Sarasota-Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).


Background Information


The MPO annually solicits project funding applications from Sarasota County, Manatee County and from the Cities located within each County. These applications are for potential State and Federal funding.  Submitted projects are evaluated and ranked by MPO staff using criteria compliant with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) performance measures. The ranked project funding applications are then presented to the MPO Board for final approval and, if approved, are submitted to the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to be considered for available State and Federal funds.


The list of projects below has been submitted to the MPO as a draft list, which may be revised prior to being taken to the MPO Board for final approval.


Staff is requesting that the City Commission endorse the projects below in the following order of priority:


1.                     Warm Mineral Springs Park Connector:


Currently, the Legacy Trail portion of the SUN Trail network connects to the City of North Port via the North Port Connector at its terminus at Price Trailhead. The proposed project will extend the network from Price Trailhead, approximately 1.7 miles South and then West, to Warm Mineral Springs Park. The Warm Mineral Springs Park Connector consists of a 12-foot-wide paved surface suitable to a variety of uses, from bicycles and scooters to wheelchairs and strollers. A formal trailhead facility at Warm Mineral Springs Park will include bathrooms, drinking fountains, parking, and other amenities for the public's convenience.


2.                     Price Widening IIA: Improvements and Widening of Price Boulevard from Sumter Boulevard West to Just Past the Myakkahatchee Creek Bridge (FDOT Bridge No, 175014):


This phase of the Price Widening Project will widen and improve Price Boulevard from Sumter Boulevard to just past the Myakkahatchee Creek Bridge. The Myakkahatchee Creek Bridge is partially funded by the Resilient SRQ Program.


3.                     Interstate 75 (I-75) Interchange Road Infrastructure Improvements at Yorkshire Street and Raintree Boulevard:


The MPO has identified several potential local improvements that will be necessary to support a future collector-distributor interchange for I-75 at Yorkshire Street and Raintree Boulevard. These projects include:


a.                     Constructing an intersection at Hillsborough Boulevard, Raintree Boulevard, and Veteran’s Boulevard.

b.                     Widening Raintree Boulevard between Price Boulevard and Blueleaf Drive.

c.                     Widening Yorkshire Street between Price Boulevard and Langlais Drive.

d.                     Extending Raintree Boulevard through DeSoto County to King’s Highway.

e.                     Installing traffic control devices at the intersections of Raintree Boulevard and Yorkshire Street with Price Boulevard.


Funding is being requested with the intention of completing a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study to determine the feasibility of these local improvements and to develop design alternatives for each improvement.


4.                     Extension of Toledo Blade Boulevard to State Road 72 (SR 72):


During Hurricane Ian, flooding was experienced on both I-75 and US-41, which are the City’s only connecting roads to northern Sarasota County. The extension of Toledo Blade Boulevard would provide an additional evacuation route and reduce the likelihood of the City becoming cut off from the rest of the County in the event of simultaneous closures of I-75 and US-41.  By extending Toledo Blade Boulevard northward to SR 72, the project will also provide traffic relief for I-75 and US-41, offering an alternative route to and from the City. This project is ineligible to receive funding due to the project not being listed on the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan or as part of FDOT’s Cost Feasible Plan. The application is being submitted to convey the City’s interest in the project to stakeholders, and to take the first step toward having the project be included in future iterations of these long-term improvement plans.


5.                     Price Boulevard Extension to River Road:


Similar to the project above, the extension of Price Boulevard westward would provide an alternative route to I-75 and US-41, fostering better connectivity between the City and the rest of Sarasota County as well as offering an additional evacuation route to connect Price to River Road at its intersection with Center Road. This project is ineligible to receive funding due to it not being listed on the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan or on FDOT’s Cost Feasible Plan. The application is being submitted to convey the City’s interest in the project to stakeholders, and to take the first step toward having the project included in future iterations of these long-term improvement plans.


Strategic Plan


Infrastructure & Facilities Integrity

Economic Development & Growth Management

Quality of Life


Financial Impact


Not applicable.




Should funding be obtained, the City of North Port Procurement Code, policies and procedures will be followed when the purchase is made.



1.                     MPO 25 Warm Mineral Springs Connector Application

2.                     MPO 25 Price Blvd Phase IIA Application

3.                     MPO 25 I-75 Yorkshire Interchange Application

4.                     MPO 25 Toledo Blade Extension Application

5.                     MPO 25 Price Extension to River Rd Application




Prepared by:                                            Michael J. Davey, PhD, Grants Coordinator


Department Directors:  Chuck Speake, Public Works Director and

Sandy Pfundheller, Parks and Recreation Director