File #: 25-1833    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/16/2025 In control: City Commission Regular Meeting
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve Construction Manager at Risk Contract No. 2024-04 for Construction Manager at Risk Services Contract Phase 1 with J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc., in the Amount of $342,589.00 for the Solid Waste Transfer Station.
Attachments: 1. Contract No. 2024-04, 2. Notice of Intent to Award 2024-04, 3. City Manager Recommendation to Negotiate Memorandum with Ranking, 4. J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc. Submittal, 5. Solicitation with Addenda, 6. Florida Division of Corporations Document
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TO:                                           Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission


FROM:                      A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager


TITLE:                     Approve Construction Manager at Risk Contract No. 2024-04 for Construction Manager at Risk Services Contract Phase 1 with J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc., in the Amount of $342,589.00 for the Solid Waste Transfer Station.



Recommended Action


Approve construction manager at risk Contract No. 2024-04 for Construction Manager at Risk Services Contract Phase 1 with J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $342,589.00 for the Solid Waste Transfer Station.


Background Information


During the Solid Waste District Governing Body Meeting held on November 23, 2021, the Commission approved the following motions:


Ø                     A motion was made direct the City Manager to proceed with a Waste Transfer Station at the property currently owned by Solid Waste.


Ø                     A motion was made to direct staff to proceed with a clean floor new technology with compaction type of transfer station.


Staff from the Department of Public Works coordinated with staff from the Purchasing Division to develop and advertise Request for Qualification (RFQ) No. 2024-04 seeking a qualified firm for construction manager services needed for the Solid Waste Transfer Station.  RFQ No. 2024-04 was opened on December 20, 2023. Only one firm responded, and J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc., was the responsive and responsible bidder.


Upon evaluation of the project, the use of the Construction Manager at Risk (CMaR) Contract has been identified as the most expedient path to complete this project. The CMaR contracting process includes the following two phases:


Ø                     Phase One:  During this portion of the project, the contractor evaluates the work required, obtains quotes from applicable contractors, and develops the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).


Ø                     Phase Two:  Following Phase One, a future amendment to CMaR Contract No. 2024-24 will be presented for approval. The future amendment will include services for the construction phase (Phase Two) of the process utilizing the GMP developed in Phase One.


Construction Manager at Risk Contract No. 2024-04 has been reviewed by the City Attorney and is legally correct as to form.


Strategic Plan


Infrastructure & Facilities Integrity

Environmental Resiliency & Sustainability


Financial Impact


Funding in the amount of $342,589.00 is budgeted in the Solid Waste District FY 2025 budget in account number 306-3032-534.62-00, Project SW22TS, Buildings.




Solid Waste Transfer Station Construction Manager at Risk Contract No. 2024-04 was procured pursuant to Chapter 2 Administration, Article VIII Procurement, Section 2-406 Professional services selection under Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), F.S. § 287.055 of the Code of the City of North Port, Florida.




1.                     Contract No. 2024-04

2.                     Notice of Intent to Award 2024-04

3.                     City Manager Recommendation to Negotiate Memorandum with Ranking

4.                     J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc. Submittal

5.                     Solicitation with Addenda

6.                     Florida Division of Corporations Document





Prepared by:                                            Garrett Woods, Senior Business Manager


Department Director:                       Chuck Speake, Public Works Director