TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Discussion and Possible Direction Regarding the Application Process for an Outstanding Florida Springs Designation for Warm Mineral Springs by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Recommended Action
Discussion and possible direction regarding the application process for an Outstanding Florida Springs designation for Warm Mineral Springs by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Background Information
The following provides a chronological order of events regarding the Outstanding Florida Springs (OFS) designation for Warm Mineral Springs by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP):
Ø September 2, 2021: During the City Commission Regular Meeting, discussion ensued regarding the following topics to be reviewed by the Sarasota County Delegation on September 30, 2021:
ü Warm Mineral Springs and Little Salt Springs as outstanding springs.
ü Criteria of processing the bill.
ü Drafting the bill for submission, and submission deadline.
At the conclusion of their discussion, the following consensuses were made by the Commission:
ü There was consensus for Mayor Luke to contact the City lobbyist as the representative of the Board to work with Florida League of Cities to draft the bill.
ü There was consensus to utilize the City Attorney's office to draft the bill should the first plan fail.
Ø September 14, 2021: During the City Commission Regular Meeting, the Commission discussed approval of a draft Bill to add Warm Mineral Springs and Little Salt Springs to the FDEP’s List of Outstanding Florida Springs. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Commission approved the following motion:
ü Motion: A motion was made to approve the draft bill to add Warm Mineral Springs and Little Salt Springs to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's List of Outstanding Florida Springs.
Ø March 9, 2023: Staff prepared a memorandum informing the City Commission about the long-term commitments, both budgetary and manpower related associated with the designation of Warm Mineral Springs as an Outstanding Florida Spring and the subsequent Basin Action Management Plan (BMAP) adoption. In addition, there may be associated impacts to the City’s growth and economic development potential in the area surrounding Warm Mineral Springs.
Ø June 5, 2023: Staff prepared an updated memorandum advising the City Commission that during the 2023 Legislative Session, the decision to pause consideration of the designation of Warm Mineral Springs as an Outstanding Florida Spring was based on concerns regarding implications of potential adoption of a Total Daily Maximum Load (TDML) and BMAP for the proposed Public-Private Partnership (P3) plan for the Warm Mineral Springs development. In view of the court decision requiring DEP to revise its adopted BMAPs for other designated OFSs, it has become apparent that the DEP process for such adoption can also be subject to multiple year delays arising from legal challenges.
Ø February 2024: The P3 negotiations between the City of North Port and a prospective developer of Warm Mineral Springs ceased.
Since that time, direction for the Warm Mineral Springs Park Phase I Improvements and Phase II Future Development has changed.
Ø September 10, 2024: During the City Commission Regular Meeting, the Commission approved the following motions:
ü Motion: Approve Option No. 2: Full restoration of admission building and a hybrid renovation of spa building to support current operations, maintaining historic designation, incorporating wet floodproofing measures, and preservation/mothballing of cyclorama until sufficient funding is available for restoration.
ü Motion: Direct the City Manager to pursue running utilities up Ortiz Boulevard to US 41.
ü Motion: Direct the City Manager to work with staff to negotiate with the Conservation Foundation and the Gulf Coast Community Foundation for a conservation easement to the 60 acres adjacent to Warm Mineral Springs, explore the possibility of bringing in Selby Gardens or another botanical partner, and to identify a section of property for development as an alternative holistic health center.
ü Motion: Direct the City Manager to explore funding options for Legacy Trail extension to Warm Mineral Springs.
With the current direction for the improvements and future development at Warm Mineral Springs, staff would like to discuss and receive Commission direction regarding the application process for an OFS designation for Warm Mineral Springs by the FDEP.
Strategic Plan
Environmental Resiliency & Sustainability
Quality of Life
Good Governance
Financial Impact
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
1. Minutes - September 2, 2021 Regular Commission Meeting
2. Minutes - September 14, 2021 Regular Commission Meeting
3. Minutes - September 10, 2024 Regular Commission Meeting
4. Memorandum Dated March 9, 2023
5. Memorandum Dated June 5, 2023
Prepared by: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA
Department Director: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA