TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the North Port Commission
FROM: A. Jerome Fletcher II, ICMA-CM, MPA, City Manager
TITLE: Approve Work Assignment No. 2025-01 with Black and Veatch Corporation to Complete Asset Management Phase II in the Amount of $486,147.00
Recommended Action
Approve Work Assignment No. 2025-01 with Black and Veatch Corporation to complete Asset Management Phase II in the amount of $486,147.00.
Background Information
The City of North Port is dedicated to efficiently and cost-effectively managing the North Port Utilities (NPU). Ensuring optimal use of valuable resources through enterprise asset management (EAM) is an industry norm. Over the years, the City has invested millions of dollars in designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining utility infrastructure. As assets naturally undergo wear and tear, repairs and replacements are inevitable, incurring associated costs. The challenge lies in determining the lifecycle cost of each asset and maximizing its operational lifespan. For accurate longevity planning, asset management involves documenting assets, maintenance activities, and repairs in a computerized maintenance management software program (CMMS). This data is utilized to plan and prioritize work, preventing costly emergencies and capital repairs.
In fiscal year 2023, NPU took proactive steps by engaging a consultant, Black and Veatch Corporation, to conduct a gap analysis on the City's existing asset management program and utility maturity utilizing the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 55001 framework. This analysis identified the requirements to fill the gaps in obtaining ISO 55001 certification. The consultant comprehensively evaluated NPU's water, wastewater, and reclaimed water asset management methods, aligning them with the ISO 55001 asset management standard requirements. Subsequently, they formulated a detailed plan outlining the suggested enhancements for implementation, which is estimated to take approximately five years.
The first phase for implementation was started in fiscal year 2024 and included developing asset management objectives and strategies, including an updated mission statement, a strategic asset management plan, change management processes, risk management and initial forays into the development and use of Lucity, which is what City currently utilizes as its CMMS, with plans to enhance and expand its capabilities.
The next phase of the road map for fiscal year 2025 has evolved into a deeper development of Lucity as the software of choice including adding assets and developing tools to make the software an integral part of everyday work for NPU staff. This will include technical and functional improvements, integration and implementation support, asset lifecycle management support, data standards and editing process improvements, resource planning and development, and change management support.
Due to the institutional knowledge that Black and Veatch Corporation holds with the completion of the gap analysis and road map development, the near completion of phase I, and the water master plan assignments, staff recommends awarding Phase II to Black and Veatch Corporation. The City of North Port will be employing the pricing terms outlined in the Professional Engineering Services Contract No. 2020-58-04 with Black and Veatch Corporation for this specific assignment.
The Consultant possesses exceptional qualifications for this task, having been officially recognized as an Institute of Asset Management (IAM) assessor for ISO 55001 assessments.
Strategic Plan
Infrastructure & Facilities Integrity
Good Governance
Financial Impact
Funding in the amount of $486,147.00 has been budgeted in account number 420-6060-536.31-05.
Continuing Contract No. 2020-58-04 was procured pursuant to Sec. 2-406 Professional Services Selection under Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), F.S. § 287.055. Work Assignment No. 2025-01 was issued under Continuing Contract No. 2020-58-04.
1. Work Assignment 2025-01 with Scope and Fee Schedule
2. Continuing Contract No. 2020-58-04 with Renewal
3. Truth-In-Negotiations Certificate
4. Florida Division of Corporations Documents
Prepared by: Michelle Tipp, Senior Business Manager
Department Director: Nancy Gallinaro, Utilities Director